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' sectumsempra '

TWO MONTHS PASSED, MAKING IT NOW THE MIDDLE OF MAY. Evagline and Draco have gained their trust again, sneaking off from classes and going out after curfew.

   There and then they would make out in closets, or when they "study" in their dorms, specifically Malfoy's dorm. 

   This one time, they almost got to second base, but Blaise cock blocked them. For shits and giggles, he did it on purpose.

   After all this making out, Draco never let Eva touch his left arm. Evagline didn't worry too much about it, but she's starting to think she should. But she wanted to respect his privacy, so she left it alone. For now.

   It's been rumored Katie Bell has gotten better since the incident in December, and Ron got out from the Hospital Wing at the end of February. Ron's been asking what happened, since he can't remember clearly.

   Thankfully, his friends have helped him—knowing that Lavender still had an eye on him.

   Evagline hasn't seen Draco in a couple weeks, she even asked Blaise where he was.

   "Sorry little one, I haven't heard from him either. Guess he's doing his own things again." Blaise shrugged.

   Evagline sighed, feeling disappointed and stupid. She thought everything was going to happen again. Why was Malfoy distancing himself again? Was it something she did? I mean they were on good terms. What happened? 


"HARRY STILL HASN'T FOUND OUT WHO THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE IS?" Eva asked Hermione, heading to the Great Hall to meet up with the boys.

   "Nope. We've been looking and trying since school started but nothing." Hermione huffed out.

   "How are you and Mafloy? Still nothing from him?" Her friend asked.

   Evagline shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know Mione. I mean we were doing so good, I don't know what happened. It's like, I don't know–it's happening all over again. He's being distant, not wanting to be around anybody, especially me."

   Hermione frowned. "Well maybe he's going through things at the moment, needs time to think." She suggested.

   "Yeah I guess." The girl shrugged her shoulders.

   "Don't worry too much about it. He'll come around." Hermione said, wrapping her arm around Eva's shoulder.

   "Yeah well I'm worried. Especially since Harry STILL thinks he's a Death Eater." Eva sighed.

   "Yeah, about that." Hermione trailed off.

   Hermione stopped walking, Eva froze.

   "What Mione?"

   "Harry's been using the marauders map, to stalk Malfoy. He's seen you two together, but I told him you guys were studying." Hermione sighed.

   Evagline knew she had more to say, but relieved Hermione had her back—knowing her and Mafloy weren't actually studying.

   "Go on." Eva said.

   Hermione cleared her throat, "Well Harry said it seems like Malfoy has been leaving the castle, like he just vanished off the map. Out of nowhere."

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