0 - Prologue

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There are two types of evil; secondary evil, is the evil what people can do and the primary evil is the source of evil, trying to steal your essence of your soul. Monsters that roams around the earth and terrorizing the humans.

An crusade guild known as the Knights of the Holy Order led a secret and proxy war against the creatures of the night to keep humanity safe and they would hired one of the best paid killers around the world that has dealt with supernatural of their entire lives. 

They were known as Hunters...

Evil never sleeps. It waits...

Somewhere in Grunnstorgard kingdom, Empire Isles

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Somewhere in Grunnstorgard kingdom,
Empire Isles...
Year, 1272 V.A (Viking Age)

The viking held his horn filled with ale and raises up in the air to his people, feasting and celebrating in the mead hall with his clan of vikings. They had a successful raid by pillaging the greatest kingdom; Calderon. Filled with riches and gold that they looted and brought for their families and friends so they can build their foundation of their clan. To the populace, they're refer these savage barbarians known as pagans, they have became a threat to the Empire of IsIes due to their large conquest of plundering and raiding every villages.

But their biggest prize is the Kingdom of Noveria, the heart of the Imperials. The biggest city on the continent since Calderon and Serkossos, these vikings were after fame, fortune and glory to satisfy their gods to become legends and earn their place in Valhalla.

"My people, soon we will raid Noveria! Think of the possibilities we will achieve after this. We will become legends, the gods has favored us! We raid and we grow strong we plunder new lands and we will be remembered! SKÖLL!" The Jarl name Harald roared and his people cheered for their Jarl, boosting their morale. Harald was known to be the fearsome warrior and has spread fear to his enemies to the Imperials.

The Vikings cheered loudly, drank their ale and then went back to chattering to their group, Harald sips his horn filled with ale till one of his closest friend who he considered as a brother. "Sigurd, come join me for ale, tomorrow we're sailing to Noveria-" But Harald was cut off.

"It's the slave, the one we picked months ago. She's been crying non stop. Should we just kill her already." Sigurd grimaced, folds his arms against his chest. Harald chuckles with such narcissistic tone.

"I want to keep her, she's been pleasing my men and i. If she does something stupid we can always sell her to another clan to get a good price."

Sigurd shakes his head. "She's becoming useless everyday, the foul stench of her rotting is making the people complain including other families, Harald I know she's your favorite but just kill her already. She's a rotting corpse, she can't even walk anymore. You know how much we burnt her legs?" He explained but Harald laughs hysterically, pats him on the shoulder.

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