Thank You MCR

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I know they split up, god knows if and when they'll get back together, but I felt like I should write this..

I love MCR with all my heart and always will. They have helped me, like a lot of other people, through so much.. They were really the band that got me into more alternative rock stuff.. I'll always be grateful for that. Always.. Famous Last Words has saved my life countless times.. Just those words,"I am not afraid to keep on living, I am not afraid to walk this world alone." Stuck with me and saved my life..

The song Cancer was my anthem when my uncle died.. That song couldn't have been more perfect for the situation.. I cried for forever and still cry when I hear that song.

Basically, all of their songs gave me hope in knowing I'm not alone in feeling this way.. I'm sorry I can't go into more detail, it's hard enough dealing with this without going into details about how they helped me through everything.

I will always love them no matter what. I honestly do hope they get back together.. Maybe they're just taking a break, like Fall Out Boy.. Or maybe they're getting back together with Bob Bryar.. Who knows? Anyway, I wish them nothing but the best of luck, health and happiness.. And if I see them on the street, I'm still going to tackle them with hugs and stuff.. Love ya MCRmy! Stay strong!! KILLJOYS NEVER DIE.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2013 ⏰

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