The text

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Chapter 1:
beep,beep goes my alarm. It's time for school. Today I have a big test. I study all week but I'm still skeptical about it. I get dressed and go down stairs, my mom starts talking to me, "Hi sweety, here's your lunch, good luck on your test. Ok mom i say as i run out the door, as i am waiting for the bus I think to myself "what if the test is really hard" my best friend dune came up before i could worry too much about it. He seemed a bit sad so i ask him what's wrong " my parents got into a fight again" what was it about this time i ask " my dad was out very late again" it's like they are always fighting i said " i know but i haven't seen my dad since then" i'm sure he is fine he always comes back. I said hoping I was right. The bus shows up and we get on. I try to forget about Dune's dad but just can't get it off my mind.I finally get to school,and after a few classes i get to math,and it's time for the test,said my teacher. As she hands me the test I start panicking. This test determines if I go to college. You may now start, said my teacher, I look down and the test looks very easy. When time is up I hand in my test and head to the bus,I decide to listen to the news from this morning and I find out the dunes dad got into a wreck!

Chapter 2:
I have to tell dune, the bus gets to my stop just in time i run to dunes house and knock on the door dune opens it and looks confused, did you hear what happen to your dad, i said in a panic
No, what happened?  He got into a wreck! I screamed. Is he ok? Dune asks. He's in the hospital.I have to call my mom, he says as he runs to the phone.when we got to the hospital,we found out that dune's dad was in a coma,we ended up staying there for some hours and then we had to go home,it's about 3:00 am and I'm on my way home and  I get a text it says: I see you.....
At first I thought it was dune but then I looked at the number and it said unknown. I decided to run home,and forget about it.I get home and go to bed when I woke up I went to the bus while I was waiting I didn't see dune maybe he is just late or is at the hospital with his dad.the bus comes and i head to school, i go to some classes and then i go to math and the teacher is handing out the grade and I.......... get to go to college! At the end of the class I ran to the bus. I can't wait to tell my mom. The bus finally gets to my stop,and I run home. I burst open the door and ran to my mom,I passed, I screamed. I'm so happy from you hunny. Now I just have to wait for Harvard to send me a letter. That's great honey,now go wash your hands for dinner.

Chapter 3.

As I'm in the bathroom I get another text saying: your food is getting cold.......  It's just the wrong number. I said to myself I'm going out for dinner and eating and my mom started talking ,so I heard Harvard is sending out their letters tomorrow. I can't wait for mine. I said. We get done eating and I head up stairs for bed. As I'm getting ready for bed I get another text saying: better fix your curtains or someone will be looking at you.......... Just as I get done reading, the curtains fall. It's just a coincidence I said to myself hoping I was right. I put up the curtains and went to bed. When I woke up I got dressed and went straight to the mailbox,they won't come until after  school,said my mom. Ok! I said. I head to the bus and dune is still not there.he is just with his dad,i said. The bus comes and I head to school all I can think about is dune. It's the end of the day. I head home to see if the letter had come yet I get home and go straight to  the mailbox and..... 

Chapter 4

I got in! I ran in to tell my mom. Mom! Mom! I screamed. I got in! I said. That's amazing. She said.I head there this summer. That's great, now go wash up.                   

           months later

Are you all packed up? Said mom. Oh I can't believe my daughter is going to college.oh mom stop i'll be back before christmas. I know but still. Well i have to go now,bye i love you. Buy love you too sweetie. And with that I was out the door.  I got to the airport and boarded the plane. I got to college and went to my dorm. After I got my stuff away I heard a knock,it was DUNE! He is my roommate. But only for 3 months.     2 months go by and so far college is easy but I'm super sad that dune is leaving soon. And I have a test coming up and I'm super nervous I've been studying all week I really hope I do good

1 month later, today is the day that dune leaves,I'm so sad but it has to happen but I will get to see his during Christmas.   Now it is about 3:00 am and I can't sleep, but out of no where I get a text that says, can't sleep hu,miss dune too much?...

I was so scared I didn't know what to do so I just blocked the number and went to sleep.

Chapter 5.

It's now December and I'm heading back home for Christmas. I'm about to pull into the neighborhood when I get a text that says,looks like no Christmas for you,hahahaha.
I was so scared as soon as I got home I burst into the house and under the tree was my mom lifeless and a knife stabbed in her. I couldn't believe she was gone. I ran to the dunes house to tell him what happened.I get to his house and bang.  on the door his mom answers the door crying, i ask her what happened? Dune is dead! He got hit by a car! She screamed. He told me to give you this. It was a heart pendant and inside  of it was a picture of us and a note that said, kala ever since I saw you I knew you'd be the one. I hope you feel the same,love dune.

1 year later. ( at the graveyard) I miss you guys so much. I said crying. But then a guy showed up and said,i'm so sorry. I was about to answer but when I looked up he was gone.

Chapter 6.

After that happened I went back to my dorm. When I looked on facebook I saw that a lot of people get these weird texts when I finish reading them. I got a text,it was a picture of my college dorm widow and a text saying,I guess you're not my only target.... I decided to go to the cops. When I told them what happened they said that they had been trying to catch him for years. So I just went home. When I woke up I looked at the picture again and I saw a knife in it. I was terrified. But I decided to  text back and I said, i will find you. He replied instantly and said, ha, good luck. But then I thought of an idea. What if I track the number? So I went back to the cops and asked them to track the number,they tracked it and my college dorm showed up. So they came with me to my dorm and when we opened the door we saw Nothing. Not a thing wrong. The cops went home because they couldn't do anything but as soon as the door closed everything went black...         

Chapter 7.

When i woke up I was in a dark basement and on a surgery bed and next to me was surgery supplies
I was strapped to the bed just then someone in a mask came over to me and said,kala you thought you were so smart getting the cops,tracking the number but oh how you were wrong.
Please don't hurt me. I said.   He said, hurt you? Where's the fun in that.i want to make you an offer. The light turns on and next to me is my mom. So you can either stay with me forever and your mom will live and leave or I will kill you both. So what's your choice? Just then my mom looked up and said, no please don't hurt her just kill me i'll be fine. What no mom, I won't let him! I said. Make your choice. He said. Fine, I will stay with you. I said. Just then I woke up on my bus with the news on my phone so I got off the bus and went home. I found out dune's dad never got into a wreck and my mom and dune never died. After dinner I went to bed to clear my head but when I woke up I got a text and it said,miss me? And a picture of the bed I was in.....



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2023 ⏰

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