Not the Same

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Death, themes of depression, depiction of blood, death of an infant


pregnant!reader, angst


Mentions of Giyu's backstory

A soft smile graced your features as the gentle breeze kissed your body, making you release a low hum in content. The sun was beginning its descent, turning the once blue sky into a hue of pink. A man with unruly black hair observed you from the doorway, completely blown away by the sheer beauty of his wife. Quietly, he walked up behind you, loosely wrapping his arms around your waist as he rested his chin on your shoulder.

"Why hello there," you giggled, leaning back into his warm embrace.

Giyu simply hums as he begins absently running his hands over your plump stomach, a sinking feeling settling within his gut. You reach up and place your hands on top of his rough ones, guiding them to a certain spot, allowing him to feel your child kicking.

"They've been awfully restless lately. I swear they're always kicking and rolling around the past few days," an airy chuckle escaped your lips as you stared down lovingly at your stomach.

You turn around to fully face Giyu, noticing the uncertainty and worry glistening within his sapphire orbs. Your eyes soften as you reach up to cup both his cheeks before placing a soft, loving kiss against his lips.

"You'll be a wonderful father," you reassure, resting your forehead against his.

Upon seeing his worried filled gaze still lingering on your stomach you force his gaze away from your unborn child and onto your (e/c) orbs, "I mean that Giyu. I couldn't have asked for a better person to start a family with."

You gave the male a warm and loving smile, making all of his fear and worries evaporate into thin air. Giyu buried his face into the crook of your neck, making you chuckle as you wrap your arms around his toned frame.

"Do you have patrol tonight?" you softly asked, making the male nod his head, "You better get going then, the suns about to fully set."

As you begin to let go Giyu tightens his grip around your waist, "Just... A little longer. Please," he begged.

Your eyes widened in surprise, taken aback by his unusual clinginess. You recover quickly and hold him close as you chuckle, "Okay, but only for a couple minutes."

The two of you stood out on the engawa in silence, enjoying the feeling of holding the other in your arms as the sun dipped below the horizon. Giyu tightened his hold on you as the moon began to overtake the sky, not wanting to let you go.

"Giyu..." you whispered.

You didn't need to say anything more since Giyu already knew, he needed to go to his territory and slay any demons lurking about. He knew this, but he just couldn't bring himself to leave your side tonight.

Reluctantly, Giyu released his hold on you, making you smile lovingly at him, "Be safe."

He gives you a nod of his head before turning and heading off in the direction of his territory, a heavy sinking feeling brewing within the pit of his stomach. He turns around to give you one last look, taking in your smiling face as you waved goodbye to him. A small smile tugged his lips upwards as he turned away from you, and headed off to work.


Giyu effortlessly sliced the head off a demon, ignoring the slew of insults and curses it spouted at him as he walked away. Glancing up at the sky he noticed the sun beginning to rise, a sigh of relief escaping his lips.

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