Lunch first, work later

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Sky entered the company building. Prapai was really busy lately with a new project the company is working on and Sky was sure he again didn't make time for lunch.

Prapai slipped up last night, accidentally revealing to Sky that he might or might not doesn't have time to get lunch lately. His accidental slip up was caused by him kinda attacking the dinner the second Sky served it, literally emptying the plate in a matter of minutes, maybe even seconds, Sky would swear he just blinked and Prapai's plate was empty. That confused Sky and made him note that he acts as if he hadn't eat the whole day. He meant it as a joke but his amusement was gone when he saw Prapai's 'busted' expression.

Prapai of course tried to distract Sky with asking about school, about Rain, he literally asked how his plants are doing just to distract Sky from Prapai not eating properly, not by choice by the way. But Sky was having none of that. He made Prapai admit that this week his lunches were either skipped or were very short and small since he needed to get back to work quickly.

Sky didn't like that at all. He understands that Prapai is busy, hell he knows how easy it is to just forget about meals when one is occupied with work, it surely happened to him when his homeworks were piling up so he understood that in a way but he still didn't like it. Prapai was feeling guilty for making Sky worry like that.

"P'Pai I am your boyfriend. I should worry about you, that's what partners do" Sky reminded him gently and took his hand.

"I know I just don't like to make you worry" Prapai muttered.

"Too bad" Sky shrugged and Prapai smiled a bit.

"Things are getting better now. The project is almost finished so you really don't need to worry anyway" he said.

"So you'll not be attacking your dinners like a savage man anymore?" Sky raised an eyebrow.

"The only thing I am gonna attack like a savage man is you" Prapai promised and moved closer to him to blushing Sky who tried to ignore his always horny boyfriend, trying to go back to his own dinner. Prapai smiled softly at that.

"Do we have any more?" he asked hopefully while looking at his empty plate. He might have broken the world record with how quickly he ate it but he was still hungry.

"Yes. I'll go get.." Sky nodded and wanted to stand up to bring Prapai another portion but Prapai stopped him.

"Thank you love but you can go ahead and eat, I can get it myself" he smiled and stood up.

Sky began to eat then and Prapai joined him with a plate now full of food again. This time Prapai ate like a normal human being and he and Sky combined their dinner with a lovely conversation.

Sky walked up to Prapai's assistant who when she saw him immediately greeted him and smiled at him. Sky asked if Prapai is free to have lunch now and the assistant told him he is and also thanked him for making sure her boss is going to have a proper lunch finally.

"I've tried to make him take a lunch break but he is just so stubborn when there is work that needs to be done" she complained but Sky saw she wasn't annoyed but just concerned about her boss.

"I know, trust me" Sky assured her he knows a thing or two about Prapai stubbornness.

The assistent smiled again before she picked up a phone that started to ring so Sky took that as a clue to leave her to work. He walked up to Prapai's door and knocked and after he heard 'enter' he did.

Prapai was at his desk, focusing on some papers, not looking up to see who entered.
"Mrs. Fong I really can't take a break right now I told you that I want to finish this first" he said, clearly thinking it's his assistant who came to tell him to have a lunch break now.

Lunch first, work later (Prapai/Sky)Where stories live. Discover now