Life Without You

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**Disclaimer: This series contains strong language, violence, triggering topics, and sexual scenes. Read at your own discretion**

Y/N: Your Name
F/C: Favorite Color
H/C: Hair Color
E/C: Eye Color


Ever since you were small you knew that you would always struggle in life. It wasn't that you weren't well off, it was just that your father happened to be a drug addict and an alcoholic. Due to the fact of this most of the money in the house went to paying for his addictions and your mother was already struggling to keep ends met. You were only 6 when she was told that she had terminal cancer and you only saw life spiral into something worse. Your Dad didn't normally become violent but when your mother died when you turned 9 due to her cancer he lost it. It was rare for you to leave the house without a hoodie and baggy pants to cover up all the bruises and cuts on your body. At one point you even tried to end your own life but your father, sadly being sober at the time, rushed you to the hospital trying to act like an all mighty father that he clearly was not. You were only 14 when you first attempted to end your life and your father was only sober for about a month before he went back to beating you and blaming you for everything all over again. This was just how your life was, chained to the constant repeat of helping your father to try and get better for it to only be thrown at your face when you least expect it. You truly did love your father when you were younger and your mother was still alive. At least when she was alive your father wasn't violent even if he was drunk or on some type of drug. When your mother was alive she kept him in check as if she was his medicine that he needed but couldn't get anymore. Many nights you would lay in your bed and just stare at the ceiling numbly trying to forget the pain you went through during the day.

A few months had passed since you just turned 19 and life was still the same as always. You would wake in the morning to fix the bandages on your arms, legs, and chest, slide your F/C over sized hoodie on, slide your baggy ripped jeans on and lastly slide on your black shoes. You walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror that had a huge crack in it. Your E/C eyes looked tired and your H/C was shaggy and messy. You grabbed the F/C beanie from the rack and put it on over your messy hair. Just before leaving the room you took one last look in the mirror only to see a blue mask in the window behind you. You quickly turn around only to see nothing making you more confused. Looking back to the mirror you once again see nothing making you shake your head a bit and mutter under your breath to get a grip. You leave the room to go downstairs but little did you know the bathroom window was being opened and an intruder was letting themselves in. 

Walking down the stairs you look at all the broken and crooked pictures of yourself with Mom or family pictures. The only perfect picture that had nothing wrong with it was the picture of your parents together with you not in the picture. You stare at it a bit before entering the living room with a blank face. The stench of alcohol and weed hit your nose as you walked passed your passed out dad. He was snoring loudly as you walked over to your backpack and headphones. Throwing the backpack over your shoulder you put your headphones on and walk out the door. It was just an everyday for you and nothing was really different from every day that you go to your college classes. You may not be well off but you at least did score a great fully paid solar ship to a decent school. You didn't really have many friends but it was alright, who would want to go to your house in the end? 

Your day goes by as normal and you finally get home only to hear nothing. Normally at this time of day it's loud in your house as your father is busy getting high or drunk. You cautiously step inside as you pear around trying to not cause another problem like you did last time. After checking if the coast is clear you walk inside and close the door quietly only to be pulled back by the hair by someone. You grab the had yanking you back as you try not to struggle.

"Where you been boy?! Thought I said no more coming home late!" Your father screams at you as he drags you up the stairs as you kick and try to get out of his grip. He pulls off his belt as he throws you into the room and starts hitting you with it. Curling in a ball you take the beatings as per usual. As you close your eyes waiting for the next blow but it doesn't come. Instead you hear the sound of gurgling. You look up to see a guy with a blue mask looking down at you with a bloody scalpel in his hand. Your father falls over into a slump as he bleeds out to death. Looking in shock you don't know what to do, are you next?

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