Kineah and Stromlash

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Long ago, there were two master ninjas named Kineah and Stromlash. Kineah was a ninja that fought against evil. Stromlash was evil and wanted to enslave the universe, but Kineah always stopped him. One day Kineah received a letter from Stromlash that said "Meet me at the ninja dojo at 7:00 p.m. tomorrow". Kineah had not had to use his awesome ninja skills in a while so he needed practice, so he headed over to the ninja dojo and practiced for a while. Stromlash also needed practice for the same reason, so he went over to the EVIL dojo to practice. Stromlash decided to take it easy on his practice because he thought that he didn't need to practice much because Kineah is older. Kineah practiced hard because he followed the saying Practice Makes Perfect. After a couple hours Kineah went home to rest. Since Stromlash thinks he doesn't need much practice he had went home hours ago. That night Kineah had a dream that he would be victorious in his ninja combat with Stromlash, so this gave him confidence because his dreams almost always come true. Stromlash also had a dream that he would kick Kineah's butt in this ninja combat, so decided not to practice at all for the brawl with Kineah. Even though Kineah had this dream he still practiced some before his battle. It was 7:00 p.m. and they were both ready for this intense free-for-all they were about to have. Kineah was in an invisibility cloak so Stromlash didn't know he was there at first. Kineah fought hard and was Victorious (No He wasn't the show.) "I'll crush you next time Kineah" Yelled Stromlash. "Yeah Right, you always say that" said Kineah, mocking Stromlash. So the universe is still free from evil.

Based on a true story.......

In my imagination.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2011 ⏰

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