Chapter 9

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“I almost lost my will to be freed from that hell but one day...” he paused.

“One day almost a year and half ago I met Patricia. She had recently joined the company as a model and was a really good person at heart. She tried to be friends with me but I was so far gone that I couldn't trust anyone properly.”

“One day Tom was irritating me in my studio. He was forcefully trying to kiss my neck when I don't know how Patricia came into the studio and she saw me struggling. She came towards us and pulled him away from me and I didn't know why he got scared looking at her and he left the studio immediately.”

“I was sitting on my chair when she approached me and asked me if I'm okay. And I tried to brush her off saying that he was just helping me with something. She knew that I was lying. She tried to pursue me into telling her what happened. I denied and she left but after that day Patricia started visiting me frequently and Tom was somewhere scared of her so he stopped trying to approach me.”

“Every time she came to visit me she used to pressurize me into telling her about Tom’s behaviour so one day I did. I told her everything that happened to me in the past three and half years. She didn't judge me nor was disgusted by me.”

“Instead she said that she will help me in getting out of that place. Apparently her brother was a highly reputed police officer and she said that she will talk to him and will help me in collecting evidence against Tom and also in terminating my contract with HSJ Ent.”

“We met her brother and he assured me that he'll help me. He was behind Tom for a long time because apparently Tom had also tried to sexually harass a few other people in the past. But due to his family background and moreover his uncle (CEO of HSJ Ent.) He was always saved.”

“Tom was scared of Patricia because he knew who her brother was so his brother asked us to behave as if we were dating. Me and Patricia. So that Tom won't try to do anything with me. I was really ashamed to hide behind her so that I could save myself but at that time I had no other option. I was tired of his bullshit and I just wanted to run away from there as soon as possible.”

“So me and Patricia, we told Tom and the other staff members that we were together. And to say that he was not happy with that news would be an understatement, but he didn't do anything.”

“Me and Patricia became really good friends, actually she is my best friend. but we didn't want to reveal the relationship to the public because it was fake anyways. Still Tom tried to bring us down by posting our pictures on social media through anonymous websites, but apparently it didn't work.”

“It took us almost a year to get valid evidence against him. We even got to know that his ex-wife divorced him because he tried to harass her little sister who was a model under the same company.”

Jungkook paused because his throat was hurting because of continuous speaking so Jin passed him a glass of water which he immediately gulped down.

“It's okay Kook, if you're tired then we can talk later. You should take some rest.” Jin said, gently.

“Thank you for the concern hyung but no, I'll tell you guys everything today. You all deserve to know.” he said and then continued.

“After getting all the evidence, Patricia’s brother arrested him. I even gave my statement to the police but my name was hidden from the common public and all that really helped me with my contract termination with the company. The case continued in court for 6 months and after that I was free. So as soon as I got free I came back.”

He let out and slumped back on Taehyung's chest as if a really big burden had been lifted from his body, that he told everything to his hyungs. Now they know everything.

If they want to punish him for not telling them anything, he'll take their punishment with open arms.

“I'm really sorry for not contacting any of you. I know that if I would have told you guys about everything that was happening with me, you all would have helped me. But Hyungs I was really scared. I'm so sorry.” he broke into tears while saying this and Jin quickly took him into his arms.

“Kookie, shh. It's okay baby. We understand. Don't cry.” Jin said while caressing his back.

“Yes kook, none of it is your fault. Please don't cry.” Jimin said and one by one all of them hugged the crying boy, telling him that it's okay and that they were not mad at him.

“The most important thing is that now you're here with us. And we're not letting you go ever again. You're safe now and we won't let anything ever happen to you.” Namjoon said patting his back.

Jungkook looked back at Taehyung who was still frozen at his spot. During this whole time he didn't say anything and he didn't even move from his place. He was just standing looking at Jungkook with an unreadable expression.

“Hyung, are you okay?” Jungkook slowly asked him. Which broke Taehyung's chain of thoughts and he simply nodded at him.

They all talked for some more time and then went to sleep.

Everyone slept except for one person.

Taehyung. He was wide awake. His mind and heart both of them were not cooperating with each other. He didn't know what to do.

He slowly looked at his left side and saw Jungkook sleeping peacefully, without caring about anything in the world.

He slowly crawled towards Jungkook and while placing a gentle kiss on his forehead he slowly whispered “He was not your first kiss Kookie...”



Hey Guys, I'm thinking of discontinuing this story.

A lot of you are not liking it and there are many readers who are asking me to change things in the story.

I know that there are a few things which might be a trigger to you all but please understand that it's a fanfiction. and it is nowhere related to BTS and their personal life.

And whatever I'm writing, is completely my own imagination.

I feel really sad because there are hardly any positive comments and everyone is asking me to remove something or change something.

If you all want me to continue this book then please I request you to be a little patient. Please? This is my first fanfiction and I'm trying to improve.

Forgive me if I disrespected anyone that was not my intention.

Byeee, Borahae! 💜✨

~ Author.

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