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*Vivaan's POV*

As I carried Vaishnavi towards the doorway of the route and the pink gate, I heard Naitik's voice behind me, "And who do you think you are to take her away from me?"

I turned to face him; he wasn't in a position to walk. He couldn't even stand up straight, let alone walk. He limped to come near the stairs. I didn't know why, but I was happy to see him like that. 

"What do you think?" I ascended the last stair and stood at the doorway. But remembering that I shouldn't, I took a step back.    

"Backing off like a coward, aren't you?" He smiled, but he was the most stupid person standing there.

"I think you don't know that we should NOT stand in the doorway. I propose that you reread India's ancient history. Maybe you'll remember about Hiranyakashyap then." I gave more than a hint to him. He won't be that dumb not to take the clue, I think.

"You didn't answer my first question." He advanced a step, his face almost kissing the sharp edge of the stairs.

"Oh, right! Will you believe me if I must say," I took a delay. Should I tell him? Yeah, why not? He should know who she belongs to. 

"Spill it already, you bastard!" His face was covered in slight scratches, and he kept his hand on his liver area. Even if I apprised him, he would be unable to attack me.

"Her fated one. Oh sorry! The first decision of the oracle." I observed his expression turn from shock to disappointment and then to rage. 

"You're joking, aren't you? You can't be! YOU JUST CAN'T! Don't infuriate me, Vivaan. SHE IS FUCKING MINE!" He's annoying me by saying such things. How very dare he?

"Oh, sorry! I'm not joking. And yes, I am. And she is the one to decide who she'll belong to." I turned to leave. 

"VIVAAN!" He yelled. Bothersome piece of shit! 

"It's, never mind!" I took a last glance at him before again taking off. I shouldn't be revealing my name to anyone just like him. Varun, be focused.

I looked at Vaishnavi - those bastards hurt her a lot. No one will survive. I looked at the men destroying everything present there.

I went towards Uncle Aditya. He was ordering the remaining ones something. Even though he looked tough, I knew how much he loved her. 

"Uncle," This was enough for him to ease a bit. Did he trust me to this extent? Isn't it good? But why do I feel there is something more?

He took Vaishnavi from my arms. The displacement of touch was not a good feeling, but she is in safe hands, at least. 

He immediately went towards the exit door and signalled me to tag along. He went towards the car, and I opened the back door. 

"Boy, do you know how to drive?" He asked as he laid her inside. "Yes, uncle." 

"Good. Drive." He tossed the keys to me. I guess I expected too much to be beside her. 

He stayed silent the whole ride. I took glances at him and saw him caressing her cheek slowly. I couldn't even imagine what they felt the entire time.

We reached the hospital in half an hour. She was immediately rushed to the emergency ward. I could feel my heart beating fast. 

We waited for one hour when all the others rushed into the corridor. I guess they told Pohan and Anka. Well, I don't remember their names clearly. Whatever they are!

I looked at the doors of the room open, and a female doctor emerged from inside. She removed her mask and looked at us. Why is she taking so much time?

She smiled and said, "No need to worry. She is safe now. I have given her some antibiotics and antiseptics, and she will wake in some time. We'll take care of her well and make sure that there are little to no wound marks."

"Can we see her?" Aunty's voice cracked as I could feel her on the verge of crying. 

"Yes, but only two persons at a time." The doctor left after informing us, and guess what? I won't be able to see her. I'm the only person without anyone to see her.


Diksha and Aditya entered the VVIP ward in which Vaishnavi was. Seeing half of her visible body covered in dressings, Diksha let out a small cry. She went towards her to hug her, but Aditya held her back. 

"My baby! Vaishnavi!" She wailed - with trembling hands, she reached out to touch her face full of scratches. 

"Why did this happen to my little doll?" Diksha turned to look at Aditya. He was looking at his precious daughter with tear-filled eyes. He looked at his wife, and the tears escaped from his left eye. As they state, the tears of pain leave from the left eye, and the happy ones exit from the right one. 

"I don't know," He hugged her while Diksha cried there silently. They left the ward after some time. No one was talking, and silence was not something that was helping the situation then.

Anushka and Rohan were not allowed to meet her. Seeing the condition of Diksha and Aditya after they saw her, Pooja forbade them to enter the ward until they were asked to. Even when desperately wanting to see her, Vivaan controlled himself until someone asked him to go to her. 

The same lady doctor came and entered Vaishnavi's ward. But stopping in her tracks, she asked Vivaan, "If you would please come, I will dress your wounds, sir." 

Pooja nodded, authorising Vivaan to enter the ward - he was the one to find her. After entering the room, the nurse's appearance changed into the fairy of memories - the lady in grey. 

"What are you doing here?" Vivaan asked as he saw the change in person occur. He was confident that the head of all the Faries sent her to erase Vaishnavi's memories of the event.

"To do what just you thought."  She replied while making some hand motions. Then, she slowly cast a spell over Vaishnavi's head. 

"Rest, my princess Isha." The fairy said, caressing her hair a bit before turning to take her leave. But Vivaan stood in her way.

"So you are telling me that she is the missing princess of the White realm. And the daughter of King Shourya and Queen Aanya." He looked at her as if she grew horns. She narrowed her eyes and replied, "I had no idea that you didn't know. Now, out of my way, boy. Learn to respect your elders." 

"How old you must be? Fifity or fifty-five years?" He asked as she was about to change her appearance again.

"No, much older." She snapped her figures, and the facade of the doctor appeared again.  

"How much older?" Vivaan was trying to buy some time to make her stay longer so he could be near Vaishnavi.

"Eight thousand years!" The lady in grey was getting enraged because of his ridiculous questions. She was so angry that she didn't even realise that he wasn't even looking at her. 

"Ohh! You are old. Like granny of all the grannies." He looked at the lady before him and sighed, but something popped up in his sharp mind.

"I'm leaving if you are done with your babbling." She turned to look at him before leaving to see some scared or amused expression, but all that she found was an are-you-serious look.

 "You forgot to dress my wounds." He reminded in a duh tone, and the doctor closed her eyes to calm her anger.

When she was done, she walked out of the room along with Vivaan, but all they saw was emptiness. There was no one except Pooja at the end of the corridor.

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