Leaving Camp (p1)

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   You had met a peculiar man in a heavy red coat not but a couple of months ago. He invited you to walk with him in the night, big grin and all, really going overboard with the flirting. Bored, and quite charmed by his silly attempts, you put your life into his hands that night, to his shock. You learn of his name; Vash. The legendary 60 billion double dollar Vash the Stampede.
He must be joking, you thought, surely this broom stick gunsman couldn't be him? He has some matching description, but he didn't seem entirely... bad, per se. A poor womanizer, but nonetheless kind and what some may call a dog.

   It was on a whim, that night, and because of your behavior that caught him off guard, it seemed that the both of you opened up so quickly. Talking to a stranger like you won't see them the next day does that to you. You're an only child, you say to him, and you don't know where you're going. Mid twenties and still unsure of what you are doing on No Man's Land.
   Vash looked at you with green-blues, blinked, and offered to be a travel companion until you figured out what it was you wanted. You could tell that he was being genuine when he said that, nothing perverted about it. You lower your head with a huff and a smile, "Truly? Well... I need to think about it..."

  And think about it you did after you were escorted back to your hotel. You thought, and thought hard... and maybe, perhaps, that day was the day of change.
  You wake up the next day and stuffed what little stuff you had and... to your surprise, there he waited. He was overjoyed, like a little kid. He admitted that he didn't expect you to take up his offer, but here you were... You told him you've nothing to lose, and his eyebrows quirked.
"You don't mean that," he said. A tinge of guilt was felt in your chest, the way he said that was so genuine and he knew you for but a night.
What a heart of gold, you think...

  He pointed into a direction and said, Onwards!

  And onwards you went. On your travels the two of you became friends. Sharing, laughing, a bit of a squabble here and there... You learned a lot about him. You learn that, from as far as you know, Vash isn't the typically one causing destruction, but the citizens and bounty hunters and bandits after his head... You learn, that, Vash is an advocator for no death to any man, no matter.    You recall him talk about how you all were put onto this planet for what would seem like a second chance for humanity. He talked in such sincerity and softness, his eyes warm, but hinted with sadness. There was something deep behind his words. He says that he doesn't understand why man will kill another man on a world they share. He would furrow his brows in thought. He didn't understand, he would repeat...
  With this, lit a spark of hope and faith within you. You thought you and him should spread this word around, because he was right. 

   Later down the road, his behavior started to shift. He was distant, eyes clouded. Around this time was when the hunting became really rough. Gun fights, heroism, bounty hunters, and civilians kicking the both of you out or pointing a shot gun in the general direction. The straw that broke the camel's back was when you were snatched by some low life bandits, gun pointed to your head.
   The horror and determination in Vash's eyes, before you squeezed shut your very own. Luckily, you both made it out somewhat unscathed. That night at the bummy hotel you both rented, it was quiet. For one, you were traumatized... though at the time you didn't really realize it. No... you were not frightened. Not panicked, not scared... shocked, perhaps. You couldn't process it, even hours later. The two of you washed up, patched up, and said your goodnights.

   Which comes to today, this morning, you stood looking outside the shabby hotel window. The sun wasn't even up yet, but the colors on the horizon were starting to make change. You and Vash were ones to get a head start, and by the time the sun finally peeked over the edge of the horizon was when you got concerned. You see, you both got separate rooms for privacy. You weren't intimate, though when you think about it, you couldn't help but entertain the thought of... being closer.
   You walk out of the hotel room with your belongings and made way downstairs in hopes to see that Vash was down there. Typically he would come get you first... you know, men being so hasty and all. Maybe he was sleeping in?
   You're at the counter now, and the receptionist there pays you no mind until you lean forward,

"Excuse me..." you are soft spoken.


"I, uh..." you pause a bit awkwardly, "... Have you seen a tall gentleman with a red coat? You see, we're on the road together, and he usually comes to get me."

"Oh... this is for you," you are handed a tightly folded piece of paper, reading,

   I'm sorry, but our journey must stop here. After the danger I have put you through, I'm scared to see you in the face of danger, to see you in pain, and ultimately lose you.
   I can't lose anyone else. I can't do it. From here on out, I need to be on my own. I have things that need to be sorted out before I can ever live in peace.
   I beg that you don't follow me. You have so much to live for, and staying with me will just put you in harm's way, and I cannot stand to live like that. We will meet again.

   You're shellshocked.

"Whuh... I... ah... do you know... what direction he went..." you couldn't process what you were looking at.

"I... I can't say."


"He told me not to."

"But we're together... we're travelling companions, I don't know what to do, where to go... I..." you're a lost puppy. It was as though he was all you had. He is all you had. A fear of abandonment started to well up inside of you. Your friend, perhaps your best friend, just... left you.

   This entire time you thought yourself an independent woman, but ever since you tagged along with the Humanoid Typhoon, you find yourself at an utter loss. You would ask yourself Why but the answer was written on a paper. He hid so much from you, but with observant eyes, you saw his pain. He didn't open up quite all the way to you, but you thought with due time he would... But instead of confronting you face-to-face with how he felt when he saw you in that deadly headlock with a gun to your head, he shut down. He pretended all was OK, you expected to see him the next day...

   Coward... you silently say to yourself.

   You now realize you had aimlessly backed away from the counter and walked silently out the door, leaving the receptionist in guilt and overall concern for you.

   "Lady, wait...!" he reached out but you were already out the door and making your way down the steps, in which creaked to your weight.

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