Guile's Gallows

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On guile's gallows virtue hung.
The children now would seldom play
And scarcely had the choir sung.

The broken bell no longer rung;
We begged and begged for peace to stay.
On guile's gallows virtue hung.

And with the rodents death was brung
Upon the streets where corpses lay.
Now scarcely had the choir sung.

To every shard of hope we clung
While waiting for the dawn of May,
But alas; on guile's gallows virtue hung.

With every punch that nature swung!
Each plague to make this town decay,
Still scarcely had the choir sung.
On guile's gallows virtue hung.

Like a wasp our sorrow stung!
Our fallen brothers passed away.
On guile's gallows virtue hung,
And now, the choir never sang.

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