28th Amendment: Child Abuse Protections

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            The Constitution of the United States of America is in place to protect citizens' rights. Sometimes citizens in the United States are too young to protect themselves or do not have the ability to do so. The proposed 28th Amendment would protect children from child abuse and provide improved systems to help support them in the process. The closest amendment that could be changed is the 13th Amendment, which states that "the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that "neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States or any place subject to their jurisdiction." A new 28th Amendment should state that "all forms of child abuse, including physical, sexual, emotional, psychological, and neglect, punishment for those found guilty be sentenced to a minimum of 50 years, losing their parenting rights, and having their ability to reproduce stopped by required surgery.

              To begin, a very specific amendment about child abuse needs to be written. The 13th Amendment protects people from slavery and being servants, but it was not written to protect kids from being servants, abused, neglected, or, in extreme situations, killed. The current set of amendments does not provide protection in America. Child abuse cases keep going up.

                Next, the National Children's Alliance reported that "Child welfare authorities ensure the safety of more than 7 million kids. Of those, around 3 million children received an investigation or alternative response from child protective services agencies." This number is awful, and we need to do better because this is only what has been reported. When you have an amendment, it should protect kids, and adults who are abusers should realize that their abuse will not be tolerated and will be handled quickly.

                 By taking an aggressive approach to a sentence of a minimum of 50 years, loss of their parenting rights, and their ability to reproduce, abusers are going to be more likely to not abuse when the consequences happen sooner and the consequences are severe. Today, the system does not work quickly, and kids often end up with abusers again or in foster care. This sends a message to society that kids are not valued and that no one is listening or hearing the impact that it has on them. Once the abuse stops, it doesn't technically stop for the abused because the children live with the scars, the emotional feelings, and the thoughts. It is often a very long journey to recover from abuse, and many do not see or understand it. Unfortunately, abuse can also lead to other challenges for survivors. This might be drug abuse, unhealthy relationships, self-harm, depression, eating disorders, criminal activity, anxiety, trauma, anti-social behaviors, and flinching out of fear, to name a few side effects.

               Overall, Amendment 28 has the power to be a voice and give justice to those who are not able to defend themselves. Kids are the future, and if the United States cares about the future, they will vote to add this amendment and guide the kids into a better future where they can be better citizens and be guaranteed protection. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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