Missed Call

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Modern AU & Angst



This was inspired by a true, real life event.

"Sanemi!" A (h/c) haired girl excitedly called, running over to her lover.

The white haired male halted his movements as he turned to face the girl bounding over to him, a smile gracing her features. She tackled him into a hug, making him stumble a bit from the impact. (Y/n) and Sanemi finally became an official couple just a few days ago, and both were as happy as can be.

At first.

As days turned to weeks that turned to months, (Y/n) started getting on Sanemi's nerves. She walked him to all his classes, going on about various random things that had happened to her throughout her day or talking about whatever new manga she started reading.

Anytime she'd try to find out about his day or things he's doing, he always gave her a short, irritated answer. However she never wavered, always smiling and being a carefree cheerful person. For some reason this also really grinded Sanemi's gears.

She made him lunch everyday and would sit with him, happily eating her bento. She'd always be texting him about anything and everything, just wanting to talk with the white haired male. It didn't matter if he responded with one word responses, she still would find ways to keep the conversation going. This irritated Sanemi.

If they would go days without seeing each other (Y/n) would call him at night. No matter what he did, no matter how harsh or irritated he'd become, she never lost her cherry attitude or stopped talking with him for a little bit. Why? A normal person would distance themselves from someone if they were always snappy and irritated at them. A normal person would give up when they realized they're the ones putting in all the effort.

But not (Y/n).

One night, Sanemi's phone pings, alerting him of a new message. He sets his pencil down and looks at his phone; a text message from (Y/n). He clicks his tongue in annoyance and tosses his phone to the side before continuing with his homework. As time passes he gets several more messages, each one increasing his irritation to a breaking point.

He ignored each one, hoping the (h/c) haired girl would get the hint, so when his phone started ringing he finally reached his boiling point. He shut down his phone before tossing it onto his desk. He clicked his tongue in annoyance before going and getting ready for bed. He'll talk to her tomorrow, ask her to give him some space or something. But for now, he needed to cool off.


Loud banging echoed through the small apartment, waking the white haired male. He groaned in annoyance as he placed his pillow over his head, trying to drown out the noise, but to no avail. After a few minutes of the nonstop banging he finally got out of bed, ready to kill whoever was banging on his door so early in the morning. He swung the door open, harshly glaring at the unfortunate soul on the other side.

However his glare faltered when he saw an older woman greatly resembling (Y/n). He rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things, the woman stood there with a police officer at her side, her eyes red and puffy.

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