Breastfeeding Twins: Tips for your help

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Giving birth to twins can be a real challenge, but this is a cloud 9 feeling at the same time. After all, starting from breastfeeding to bathing you need to take care of your two little ones, at the same time. Isn't that fun?

But, if you need to start breastfeeding your twin tiny ones, the first thing that's going to come to your mind is whether that is even possible. Next - how to breastfeed the twins.

Let's begin by answering your first question:

· Is it possible to nurse twins?

😊 As a new mom of two twin newborns, you must be in a fix as to whether it is even possible to nurse your twins at the same time. But, the good news is, by overcoming all the , finding the right kind of routine, and by taking the correct , you can surely nurse your twins successfully.

Now, coming to your next question:

· How to breastfeed your twins?

You might want to feed your babies one at a time, till such time that they get the hang of latching correctly. But, feeding your twins at the same time can be much better. How? Here are the tips that you'd have to follow:

ü Use nursing pillows: A U - shaped foam pillow would be better. Such pillows will support your waist and take care of the soft spots of your babies while they are lying down to suck on to your breasts.

ü Set up a breastfeeding station for you and your babies: Breastfeeding is a beautiful expression of love, care, and safety for your little ones. You need a completely separate place or place of privacy for you and your babies. Of course, in your house, you can treat this as your nursing station with wipes, diapers, pillows, burping clothes, snacks, and so on. You might have a bed along with a bassinet for your little ones or sit on the floor to make things easy for you.

ü Discover the right breastfeeding position: While learning the breastfeeding positions, you learned to hold your little ones in a cradle, football, or side-lying position. Nursing your twins and taking the correct breastfeeding position can be difficult, but not impossible. Fasten the supportive pillow around you.

ü Choose alternative breasts: Just remember to give a chance to each of your breasts at a time, while you're feeding your little ones.

ü Let your babies latch correctly: If your little ones are taking time to learn to latch on to your breasts correctly, then you can expect sore or cracked, or pained nipples as a result. Consult your healthcare practitioner to help you and your little ones out till such time that they learn to suck on to your breasts. Also, apply ointment or use cold and hot compressed to give you some relief.

ü Don't feel shy to take help: We know, taking help from anyone may sound very sound to you, but you're feeding twins. You'd surely need help. You can keep a nanny for your babies or request your partner to clean your little ones, diaper as well as . And let us tell you that there is nothing wrong with it.

After all the tips and advice, if you still feel scared to breastfeed your twins give yourself time and have lots of patience. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2023 ⏰

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