1: his neighbor

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HIS SLEEVES WERE hastily rolled up. the top button of his white button-up left untouched and allowing his neck to breathe a little.

     the watch on his wrist rhythmically ticked whilst he adjusted the belt around his waist, making sure it was perfectly centered.

gojō had then spritzed some cologne around his neck, underarms, and wrists.

before heading out, the white-haired male checked himself out one last time. once satisfied with his "effortless" appearance, he had waited two more minutes and fifteen seconds before opening his apartment door.

upon stepping out, he was met with the usual greeting of his next door neighbor: suzuki himiko — the mathematics teacher for the second-years at jujutsu high.

"good morning gojō-san. i see that we're heading out at the same time once again. seriously, what are the odds!", suzuki smiled.

"indeed, what a coincidence", gojō lightly chuckled.

'mhm, coincidence for sureee'.

"anyways, shall we head to the bus stop together then?", the ebony-haired woman suggested, taking her place beside gojō as the latter just nodded.

gojō satoru, who teaches the first-years mathematics at jujutsu high never ever thought that he'd be walking side-by-side with his coworker, who's also his next door neighbor.

     at first, gojō didn't care much for her, as she was just another one of his colleagues.

     however, because the two of them lived at the same apartment complex and worked at the same school, it was sort of hard to miss each other.

     though there's more to his story than just being neighbors and coworkers with this confident woman. there was a particular afternoon that had started this whole fiasco — this madness that gojō had tried so hard to hide at first.

     before school had officially started, principal yaga had invited all the staff to celebrate the beginning of a new year as a team.

and as a result, gojō had met suzuki, one of the new teachers who just got hired for the new school year.

     their meeting started off normal, just brief introductions and some polite conversation.

all was well until the last two weeks of preparation, where only the teachers were at school: decorating their classrooms, filing papers, sending out emails, and etc.

     "suzuki-san, could you help me with hanging this poster please?"

"suzuki-san, would you mind emailing the itadoris' parents about making sure their older twin doesn't hurt anybody within the first week please?"

"suzuki-san!! could you just check to see if my plan looks specific enough??"

"suzuki-san, what do you thin—"

"UGH! suzuki! suzuki! suzuki!", gojō mocked in a high-pitched tone, "everybody loves suzuki!"

"well, she is very diligent and is always helpful", getō chuckled, sipping on his coffee whilst the two teachers were on break in the teacher's lounge.

"realllllly?", the white-haired male sarcastically responded, just slightly — only slightly — annoyed since he used to be the person people came to for suggestions and ideas.

     "mhm. well, you know, since you both are math instructors, maybe you can offer her for some advice on her lesson plans", getō — the first-years' biology teacher — suggested.

"pft, as if!"

however, upon the end of that day, gojō was just about to head out like the others before suzuki had momentarily stopped him.

     "gojō-san, wait up please!", the dark-haired woman called out.

     cocking an eyebrow, gojō awaited for the new teacher to catch up.

     "i heard from getō-san that you're in the same department as me, and that you're one of the best math teachers here. so i was just wondering if you could just briefly glance over my lesson plan, since it's my first year here?"

     feeling his ego rise up, gojō cracked a slightly cocky grin before agreeing.

     "of course!", the prideful male answered, taking a quick seat next to suzuki's desk as he leaned over to look at her notes.

     upon shifting his body weight towards suzuki, gojō was gently introduced to the smell of peppermint. it was faint, and it was a nice accompaniment to her cool demeanor.

gojō's eyes shifted from the papers and onto the fair-skinned woman, who's bangs extended past her eyebrows and contrasted her light blue eyes. it wasn't the same crystal-like blue like gojō's. it was more so like a transition of the ocean to the sky.

her nimble fingers flipped over the page, reminding gojō of what he was supposed to be looking at.

he was impressed. getō was right.

"...and so that's all i have so far. what do you think?", suzuki questioned.

gojō internally panicked a little, as he simply just nodded with an awkward smile.

"looks good!", he breathed out, "though i would just—"

suzuki handed the white-haired man her pencil, to which the latter had accidentally brushed against her soft hand.

a minute shock was sent up through his spine, and up into his noggin.

he had just developed a crush.

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: hi my loves!! i know i've been very inconsistent, but i hope to update lots & may you guys enjoy this story!!

i just miss gojō :')

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