A bleeding heart. 7

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"Miss Hudson, do you have a fiancé?" Miss Tyler asked Bella settling down after we exchange our greeting with our agenda in the file which I put on the table.

I grip the side of the wooden chair I sat on. The meeting room was closed by the time we have arrived as now it's approaching one o'clock am, the clock on the wall read. So we were directed at the discussion hotel staff room which consists of three, five to seven chair circle a table. We are currently sat in a table of three chairs, facing Miss Tyler and we were still on our same clothes, didn't get a chance to change at all.

Bella frowned "No."

"That's good." She said relieved.

It's good that my future love of my life is single but where is this supposed to go?

"Um... thanks?" She furrows her brow.

I patiently wait for her clarifications to see where this was supposed to mean.

Does she want to set her for the blind date or?

Woman, I don't know what I will do to you.

Miss Tyler was in full sleeved silver night shaft tight dress reaching above her knees with a slit at her right side reaching at the middle of her thigh.

She was leaning forward putting her black clutch bag down the table and spoke "My advice, don't ever date younger men. They are selfish brat; find yourself an older man to settle with." She stated in with with fire on her eyes.

"Um... that's random but thank you." She awkwardly said shifting uncomfortably.

"Am sorry to intervene but what make you say that?" I asked tenting my fingers across the table.

"Am sorry Mr. Hernández, how old are you?" She asked eyeing me up and down.

This make Bella curiously shift his gaze at me and I can see from her eyes waiting for my reply.

"Are just defending your fellow men just because you are a man?" She scoffed asking after getting no response from me.

"Yes, few bad encounters don't conclude that all younger men are selfish brats." I stated leaning back and Bella slightly nod at my statement which make my heart smile a little.

At least my future babe has this thing called common sense.

"I know Mr. Hernandèz, but these young brats are good for nothing. Older men are very mature." She  nailed her point.

"Maturity is not a matter of age, but instead, of how you choose to respond and react to various life situations." I said boldly

"With all respect Miss Tyler, I am afraid I'll agree with Mr. Hernández on this one. Of course older people are perceived as more mature but maturity is not determined by age." She offered a small smile.

To say my heart smiled is underestimating, right now my heart is grinning like a fool.

She sighed dramatically "Miss Hudson, would you rather date an older man or younger man.?"

Please say younger.

Please say younger.

I silently pray over and over biting the side of my cheek.

She chuckles removing imaginary dust on her thigh over her jeans "Older man." She said.

Ha! On your face sucker! My subconscious mind laughed hysterically.

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