Flower Crown

559 19 231

Requested By:

No one


Themes of depression, mentions of blood and death




Mentions of what's under Obanai's mask

This oneshot was inspired by Dandelions by Ruth B

"Oh! You're awake too, Iguro-san?"

The black haired male let out a curious hum as he turned his attention to the ground, his heterochromia eyes meeting your (e/c) ones. He simply nods his head, turning his attention back to the slowly brightening sky.

You let out an awkward laugh as you sweat drop, still unsettled by your mentor's coldness towards you. You nervously wring your hands together, uncertain if you should stay or not.

"Uhm... Would it be okay if I stayed and watched the sunrise with you...?" you nervously asked.

Obanai remains silent for a few moments, watching you nervously fidget from the corner of his eye, "Do what you want."

A low groan filled the empty air as a black haired male draped his arm over his eyes, blocking the harsh sunlight from reaching them. The warm spring breeze filtered in through his open window, gently rustling his messy locks. Releasing a heavy sigh the male slowly sat up, forcing the blanket to fall to his waist, exposing his toned muscular torso.

Lifeless heterochromia eyes stared absently at the wall as his thoughts slowly devoured him whole. Until a soft knock echoed through the room.

"Iguro-san, are you in there?" a soft voice called out.

Obanai remained silent as he laid back down on his back, draping his arm back over his eyes.

"Iguro-san... Please, just talk to me. Everyone's really worried about you," the voice persisted.


"Iguro-san..." the woman breathed, desperation in her words, "Please, just talk to me. I know it's really hard, but please don't push me away."

A soft sigh left Obanai's lips as he slowly sat up and turned his attention towards the door. The male began absently chewing on his chapped lower lip as he contemplated on whether or not he wanted to answer the girl.

"I miss her too," the girl suddenly spoke, her voice cracking.

Obanai's breath hitched at her words, the pain in his heart growing as his vision became blurry.

"I wish we could've made sakura mochi together just one last time..."

You leaped to the side as you threw a clump of sweet red bean paste at a pink haired woman, "Ha! Take that!"

Mitsuri dodged the attack before she launched her own. She grabbed the bowl that held the excess rice and threw it at her opponent. The Serpent Pillar watched the food fight unfold from the safety of the dining room.

He released a heavy sigh, "Why can't they make sakura mochi without getting into a food fight?"

As you readied yourself to launch your next attack, you slipped. Obanai jumped up from his seat and rushed to try and catch you, however the Love Pillar beat him to it. Mitsuri grabbed your wrist and tried to steady you, however the green eyed woman also slipped. You both crashed to the floor, your bodies tangled together as you both let out low groans.

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