The Autobot Base || Darkness Rising

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Rafael, Jack, and Miko all stood up on the catwalk and watched in awe as the autobots disappeared in the green swirl. They were already shocked after seeing the Porsche guy just appear out of no where, but now they all went through and disappeared?

     Jack was the first to speak, "what just happened? Where did that other guy come from?"

     "I transported them to the designated coordinates via the groundbridge," Ratchet stated simply.

     Rafael turned to look at the medic, "what's a groundbridge?"

     Ratchet groaned, rolling his eyes, "a scaled down version of spacebridge technology. Since we currently don't possess the means or the energon required for intergalactic travel..."

     "You're stuck here, on Earth?" Jack finished.

     The medic glared, "with the likes of you, yes. But I, and a scientist named Preceptor, constructed the groundbridge to enable travel from here, to anywhere on your planet."

     Rafael listened closely, his mind racing to figure out how in the world such advanced technology worked, "does it work for humans?"

     "Naturally," Ratchet scoffed.

     "You mean I could just..." Miko started, "shoot on over and visit my parents in Tokyo?"

     "Within moments," Ratchet leaned forward towards the humans, "in fact, allow me to send you there immediately. All three of you."

     Miko put her hands on her hips, leaning forward in kind, "watch it Ratchet."

     Ratchet rolled his eyes and turned around, doing something on what Rafael deduced was a modified computer. Jack and Miko started talking or something. Raf just observed the alien robot.

     Why was he so unhappy? Why did he have such an attitude? Stupid question...he's stuck here. On a foreign planet, with humans who's technology could never hope to compare to his own.

     Rafael sighed and sat down, swinging his backpack around and grabbing out his laptop.


Jack and Miko had ventured off the catwalk, looking around. Miko went to touch something, "what is this anyway?"

Ratchet walked by, holding a box of supplies, "broken, don't touch." Miko went to touch something else.

"Don't touch that either."

Jack looked up at Ratchet, "is there anything we can touch?"

The autobot had been entering something on his computer screen, when suddenly a bunch of errors popped up. Ratchet clenched his fist and suppressed a groan, putting two fingers between his eyes.

Rafael watched, recognizing the error, "how come you guys are using human computers?"

"It certainly isn't by choice!" Ratchet exclaimed, "it was handed down from the previous tenants, when we inherited this missile silo. I make modifications as I see fit."

Ratchet entered something to get rid of the errors, but instead more popped up. As Rafael watched, he became more sure of what the error was: and what Ratchet had done wrong, "I think I can fix that?"

Ratchet scoffed, "really? You know this is complex technology for you humans. I mean, it isn't a child's toy," Ratchet laughed wryly.

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