Episode 1: The First Turnabout

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Matt Riddle: *gasp*... *gasp*... Dammit! ...Why me? I can't get caught... Not like this! I-I've gotta find someone to pin this on... Someone like... him! I'll make it look like HE did it!


August 3, 9:47 AM
District Court
Defendant Lobby No. 2

Cody Rhodes: (Boy am I nervous!)

Brandi Rhodes: Cody!

Cody: Oh, h-hey, honey.

Brandi: Whew, I'm glad I made it on time. Well, I have to say baby, I'm impressed! Not everyone takes on a murder trial right off the bat like this. It says a lot about you... and your client as well.

Cody: Um... thanks. Actually, it's because I owe him a favor.

Brandi: A favor? You mean, you knew the defendant before this case?

Cody: Yes. Actually, I kind of owe my current job to him. He's one of the reasons I became an attorney.

Brandi: Well, that's news to me!

Cody: I want to help him out any way I can! I just... really want to help him, I owe him that much.

???: (It's over! My life, everything, it's all over!)

Brandi: ...Isn't that your client screaming over there?

Cody: Yeah... that's him.

???: (Death! Despair! Ohhhh! I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna die!!!)

Brandi: It sounds like he wants to die...

Cody: Um, yeah. *sigh*

Seth Rollins: Cody!

Cody: Hey. Hey there, Seth.

Rollins: Dude, I'm so guilty!! Tell them I'm guilty!!! Gimme the death sentence! I ain't afraid to die!

Cody: What!? What's wrong, Seth?

Rollins: Oh, it's all over... I... I'm finished. Finished! I can't live in a world without her! I can't! Who... who took her away from me, Cody? Who did this!? Aww, Cody, ya gotta tell me! Who took my baby away!?

Cody: (Hmm... The person responsible for your girlfriend's death? The newspapers say it was you...)


Cody: My name is Cody Rhodes. Here's the story: My first case is a fairly simple one. A young woman was killed in her locker room. The guy they arrested was the unlucky sap dating her: Seth Rollins... my best friend since wrestling school. Our school had a saying: "When trouble's afoot, it's usually Rollins." In the 38 years I've known him, it's usually been true. He has a knack for getting himself in trouble. One thing I can say though: it's usually not his fault. He just has terrible luck. But I know better than anyone, that he's a good guy at heart. That and I owe him one. Which is why I took the case... to clear his name. And that's just what I'm going to do!


August 3, 10:00 AM
District Court
Courtroom No. 2

Triple H (Judge): The court is now in session for the trial of Mr. Seth Rollins.

Paul Heyman: The prosecution is ready, Your Honor.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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