Kidnapped -3

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Two days went by since Vaishnavi was kidnapped. The Rathores didn't leave a stone unturned to search for their beloved daughter, and even the Rajputs tried to help them. Their effort was coming to square one again and again, nonetheless.

During this time, many things happened. Not only did Vaishnavi get to know that Vaishnavi was not her real name, but she was surrounded by a mystery that was related to her. Naitik left her hanging to find out for herself. 

Her condition was better since she was shifted to a room, but to worsen the possibility, they fitted a camera so she couldn't escape. Her strength was much better than before, and her sleep was completed, giving her time to recover from her condition. 

 Not only that, she was often shown the world outside. Seeing all the treatment, for once, she didn't think of all that as kidnapping, but she didn't like to stay there either. 

She tried to protest every spare time, but it did not affect anyone in the home, not even the workers.

Vaivaan, on the other side, was getting restless as every hour passed. He didn't know what was happening, but the feeling didn't go away. He tried to distract himself with many things but to no use.

He didn't even feel excited for his eighteenth birthday, which was around the corner. He had been waiting all these years for this, and when that moment arrived, however, things did not go as planned.


It was four in the morning, long announced of the third and the last day of the threat given to the Rathore family. Vaishnavi was shifted to the basement again, but this while she had a plan.

Her hands were tied over her head, and the rope was tied to some hoe-type item on the ceiling. Her eyes were covered with a black blindfold, and her mouth was covered with mask tape. 

She sensed everything go dark in the basement. She waited for some time before executing her plan. But before she got a chance to, a strong arm wrapped around her waist from behind. She struggled to move and to get rid of the touch but to no avail. 

She felt the hand go in a circular motion, and the palm of the person rested on her lower back. She was still in her place when a hot breath hit her ear. She could feel the person being very close to her. With a slight tug, her body came in contact with the man's body. 

Her breath hitched when she heard a familiar voice say, "Darling, I am going to get you out of here soon. Hang in there till I come. After all, no one can have what's mine." With a small peck on her forehead, the person and the touch disappeared. 

Vaishnavi let out a quivered breath, which she was holding. Not even in her wildest imagination, she had thought of something like that happening.  

Slowly, her mind became hazy before her head dropped. 


A lady in a purple dress looked at the whole situation as the girl became unconscious. She swept her hands across the marble ball, and the vision disappeared. The lady turned about to look at the boy sitting on the giant chair. He was neither relaxed nor stiff. 

She strode nearer to him and asked, "Why did you go there?" That seemed a simple question, but the boy knew better. He avoided the question and stared at the ceiling of the high-roofed chamber, which was carved with beautiful figures.

"I am not obliged to answer that." He said, looking in the eyes of the lady. Her expression softened when she saw hurt feelings in the eyes of the boy. 

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? Why hide her from me?" He looked at the other woman that appeared behind the lady. 

The ladies could do nothing but tell him, "We already did what we could. We told you about her before time. We fear that the oracle would punish either you two or us for breaking the natural rule of the bond." The lady in the blue dress said softly. 

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