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The day of the photoshoot came.

An was ecstatic to be there.
But this was the day Kohane was dreading the most.

Because she'd have to watch An 'marry' another woman. At least, that's how she saw it.

An was excited to see Kohane.

"Ah, An chan."

Somethings wrong, An thought to herself.

"Kohane?? What's wrong? Is something the matter??"

I can't watch you do this with someone else, An. Kohane wanted to say to her, but she knew she couldn't.

"Nothing wrong, I promise!!"

"Alright then. Anyways, look at this venue! It's so beautiful!! I already feel like I'm getting married just by standing here!!"

Those words irked Kohane. She couldn't bring herself to listen to words about marriage. Especially from her An.

"It does, doesn't it?" Kohane replied

"Ah, isn't that Shizuku? And Airi??"

Shizuku and Airi walked up to the pair.

"Hello everyone! What a coincidence, are you here for a photoshoot too?" Shizuku says

"Yeah! Ours is a wedding photoshoot! I just hope the man looks decent though." An replied

"Wait a minute, we have a wedding photoshoot." Airi replies

"Wait, so one of you are being the groom??" Kohane asks

"But.. I was called as a bride??" Shizuku answers

"And.. so was I?" An added

"Ah, there you are!!" The photographer says "Wait, I asked for a groom and a bride. Whys there 2 brides??"

"We don't know.." Airi says

"Argh! I don't have 2 brides dresses!! This might not work..."

Kohane got excited by this reply. Does that mean An doesn't have to do this??

"But I do have a women's suit. Yes that's perfect!! You!" She points at Shizuku "You're pretty tall, you can wear the suit!"

Kohanes smile dropped. Now she has to watch An 'marry' another woman?? Why not her?

"That's... perfect!" An replies

Kohane felt sick to her stomach, how was her lover okay with this??

"Whaddya say Shizuku??"

"Of course I'll do it!"

Kohane wanted to die right there. She didn't want to see this.

They make their way to the venue hall and the girls get dressed up.

"Kohane!! What do you think of this..?"

An walked out with a beautiful wedding dress. Her hair was styled to perfection and the veil barely covered her face. She looked perfect in Kohanes eyes.
She couldn't stop looking.
She wished she was the one who could stand upon that altar with her beloved.

"You're...breathtaking.." Kohane replied, a dusty red covering her cheeks

"Really..?" An replied, the same red coating her cheeks visibly.

"Yes! You look wonderful!" Shizuku added.

"Yeah!" Airi said

Kohane then realised that yet again, she'd have to watch An 'marry another woman'. Her An.
She was starting to feel emotional all over again.
Why?? Why couldn't she be the bride?? Why Shizuku??
Kohane knew it was because of her far superior stature and looks.
She knew that Shizuku was a better fit with An.
They look breathtaking together. Like the perfect couple.

But look at her. Small and weak. She paled in comparison to Shizuku when it came to looks.
She wasn't good enough for An.
She just wasn't.
She grew pale at those thoughts.

"Kohane, are you alright? You don't look so well.." Airi asked.

Kohane couldn't bring herself to say anything. Tears started welling up in her eyes. She gripped the sides of her floral blue bridesmaids dress.

"I..I." She couldn't say anything
Quickly, she ran out of the hall and went into the bathrooms.

"Kohane!! Wait, I'll go after her!" An quickly ran off to find her lover.

Kohane was hunched over the sink. Tears spilling from her eyes.

"Kohane!! Whyd you run off like that?"
An quickly looked at Kohane.
She cupped her cheeks and turned her head towards her. So she and Kohane faced eachother.

"Hane... you're crying?? What wrong?? Tell me please..."

Kohane blushed at the nickname, but that still wasn't enough to stop her tears.

An quickly wiped away Kohanes tears, making her blush even more.

"I..I'm sorry An!! I can't watch you marry Shizuku.."

"..what?" An was genuinely confused

"It's just that, you're both doing a wedding photoshoot right??? I have to watch you hold another woman..i cant take that, An!"


"I love you, An!"

An didn't know what to say

"But, it's obvious why it's you two. You look perfect together. You both shine! But when I'm with you..I'm dull. There's nothing shiny about me..I'm not good enough for you, am I An?"

An was horrified, how could her lover think so poorly of herself?

"No...that's not true at all 'Hane!!!"
An engulfed Kohane into her arms

"I love you so much, you're perfect to me!! Anyone who thinks otherwise is just jealous of you, 'Hane. You're so damn amazing! Everything from your singing to your looks and personality, it's just- so perfect!!"

Kohane was blushing madly, her tears had stopped completely.

"You're amazing 'Hane, and you'll always be mine. Besides, Shizukus dating Airi. Why would I date her? This is just a photoshoot, nothing more. I promise."

Kohane replied

"You really mean all of that, An?"

"Of course I do. I always will, 'Hane."

Now that Kohane and An had cleared up all the misconceptions, everything felt alright.
Kohane felt stupid for taking it more than a photshoot. But how could she not?
That's her lover. Her An. She knew she couldn't stop herself feeling just a bit jealous, but she didn't expect that much.

Nevertheless, she felt warm and fuzzy. Knowing that An would be hers.

Forever and Always.


For Pluto. Happy birthday!! ♡

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