Chapter 1: Our Darkest Hour

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(Major Leon Sharp p.o.v)

"I regret to inform you that yesterday April 7th, 2025, the United States capital fell into T.W.L.I control; we know that the president has been- transported into a secure facility, along with members of the Senate and Congress, but today is a day that all Americans will remember,"

We all thought- that the war would be over in a few years- if enough countries joined together to take down the indomitable foe, which is the T.W.L.I., but we were wrong.

"I know as a newscaster- we aren't supposed to show our personal feelings, but this makes me very angry to see,"

"What's the next step- what do we do from here?"

I was in Kansas at- the time when the war broke out, just like many others; I thought the war would come to a swift conclusion with all the soldiers going home and seeing parades in the city streets that would mark the end of the countless lives that had been- lost.

"I think the only thing we can do is to respond with unwavering fury until these foreign invaders are- pushed off the mainland United States,"

When my eyes met the screen showing the capital in flames- burning to the ground, I- along with many- others didn't hesitate to join the defense- of the nation and to push these invaders from our home.

Boot camp wasn't easy, and the drill sergeants were tough on us; they never gave us rest, always expecting us to be alert at all times- to be the best even when sleeping, I didn't know it at the time, but I would be grateful for everything that Rickly taught us- god rest his soul.

"Today will mark the first day of the American counter-offensive to take back Washington, the largest movement of troops ever seen since the Second World War, with a staggering 4.5 million servicemen."

The retaking of Washington wasn't actually important; it was supposed to serve as more of a symbolic victory than anything else; to show the world and much more importantly the T.W.L.I that we weren't going to be backing down.

"The grueling struggle to Washington has already claimed an unbelievable amount of life, with some statistics even reaching as high as 700,000 within just the first 3 months of the counter-offensive."

"T.W.L.I head authorities say the only treaty they will sign is quote 'unconditional; surrender,' the president will be speaking about the current handling of the war at the State of the Union address."

While the politicians blamed each other for the high amount of lives lost, the true heroes were the people- who were- fighting in T.W.L.I occupied territory, keeping pockets of resistance alive and well; softening the several fronts I would soon be deployed to, I would be assigned to the 100th infantry division and to push down south through New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and eventually the capital, they were pushing north, and we were pushing south.


July 20th 2025

The L-ATV we were in rocketed down the bridge past destroyed cars, swerving past massive holes that riddled the bridge; one wrong turn and we would plummet into the ocean below; the deafening roar of the remote M2 browning that sat above us vibrated the vehicle endlessly. Once we reached police lines, we immediately bailed out of the L-ATV just in time only for it to explode in a thunderous fury that shook everyone to the core; shrapnel flew everywhere as we were lucky enough to dive into cover.

"RPG ON THAT ROOF TOP!" The cacophony of explosions and bullets was never-ending as soldiers and parts of the NYPD who were brave enough to stay behind let out heroin war cries. My XM7 lets out a symphony of fire as I aim down the boulevard, dropping any Anthro that meets my vision; the screeching of my teammate causes me to aim upward at a skyrise; spotting a T.W.L.I. who was aiming another rocket on our position; my bullets quickly pierce him as he falls out of view.

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