New student

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"..Olivia wake up! Now your going to be late for your first of junior year!!.." mum yells from downstairs. I sit up and rub my eyes " i do not wanna go to school..." I groan to myself I get dressed Into my uniform and run downstairs to the smell of burned toast " hun.." mum hands me a burnt piece of toast with melted butter on it. "..thanks mum but I'm not hungry.."
She sighs and nods "..okay have a good day at school babe.." I say thank you and walk out the door with my bag on my shoulder and phone in hand on the phone to my best friend Matilda I meet up with her at the park near the school we chat and gossip about our dreams, then this boy who looks are age walks past us he has the same uniform as us I say "..Is he a new student?.." to Matilda, she shrugs and carry's on reading her new book she brought. I look at my watch and see it's time to be in school! "..oh no! Matilda we're gonna be late!!.." she just sat there still daydreaming while reading her book I snatch the book out of her grasp. "..Matilda! We are going to be late!!.." I yell at her  and she snaps back to reality, "..huh what?.." she looks up at me confused. "..give me my book back.." I proceed to give her the book back and we start slow walking to the entrance of school we see miss smarty at the gate wondering why we were late we pant as we tell her we ran here. She let us off this time but she said she'll give us a detention next time,
We walk into the school not knowing that the new kid is trailing not far behind us....

What do you think is going to happen in part 2?
Do you think the new kid is a little bit suspicious ?  

                     Come back for prt 2

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