Entry 42 ~ that one time the magic twins broke into my school!

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Dear dairy....

Today's dream was.....a weird one!, I had a dream where I was in school, it was fine! Until.......



....they broke in....

.....Lynney and Lynette from genshin....

(I don't like genshin, I'm not really a fan of it, but my sister is a fan tho)

Lynney broke into the school with achino or whatever her name is, and THEY STARTED aguring and bickering with me! Freminette was also there trying to leave the school (poor baby, they forced him to go with them D:) and then THEY FINALLY MANAGED TO LEAVE! Then in the next period we learned about a serial killer, which I will not say their name....let's say he likes to eat people...and our lesson was to make a collage of us beating up the killer in his jail, and I going going to get a gun for my project,so I went with a mecha robot to get it....IN A TRAIN CHASE! And then I died...?

AND I WENT TO HEVEN! It was really pretty, it was sunny, and was like beach, but instead of sand, there was grass, and God went to be and he said

"Child, how about you NOT get the gun?? Your going to get injured and I'm concerned for you"

And I was like

"Ok! Love you!"

And he sended me back to the earth, then I BACAME AWARE I WAS IN A DREAM!! Then I went and ran around my house and speed ran into my basement, then I saw a boy with Mickey-mouse ears covered in a brown blanket in chains, and a small, teru-bonzu looking creature , but when I was going to say hello...I woke up :(

🐰🩷 🐰🩷 🐰🩷 🐰🩷 🐰🩷 🐰🩷 🐰🩷 🐰🩷 🐰🩷 🐰🩷 🐰🩷 🐰🩷 🐰🩷 🐰🩷 🐰🩷 🐰🩷 🐰🩷 🐰🩷 🐰🩷 🐰🩷 🐰🩷 🐰🩷 🐰🩷 🐰🩷 🐰🩷 🐰🩷 🐰

And that's all for now!

See you later!

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