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Are you coming over this evening?

Clear. When should I be there?

7:00 pm? And put on something cute. We're going to a party

OK, will be done. I'm excited!


I'm sitting on the sofa in the boys' apartment with Jeongin. While we wait for the others, we watch videos on his cell phone. "When did we want to leave again?" "Half an hour ago..." Neither Jeongin nor I were happy that the others were taking so long. "Hey," I call up the stairs to the rooms. "Are you still getting your beauty sleep or why is it taking so long?" Changbin and Hyunjin rush down the stairs, closely followed by Felix. "Sorry," bows apologetically Changbin in front of me. "Well at least you're sorry." Now Seungmin, Minho and Han have also arrived in the living room. "Of course Chan is missing." "The old man just needs a little longer." We all start laughing at Seungmin's joke. "Then I'll light a fire under his ass." Annoyed, I stomp up the stairs. From below I hear loud laughter and a long "Uhh" from Felix. "Chan? Are you okay?" I knock and open the door. I scream in shock and immediately close it again. The boys apparently heard me and came rushing up. "It's all ok?" "We heard you scream." "Did something happen?" I stand rooted to the spot in front of the door, my head red. Which opens again at exactly that moment. "Nothing happened," Chan stands behind me and I can practically hear the smile in his words. "She came in without asking, I didn't had a shirt on. That was it." "Yes, then I would scream too." Seungmin rolls his eyes and goes back into the living room. The others can't stop laughing and I blush even more. I slowly turn around to Chan, who is now wearing a shirt and grinning broadly at me. "Sorry," I mumble sheepishly to myself. "Everything's fine. Nothing's happend." He puts his hand on my back encouragingly, which doesn't make me blush any less. "So? Ready for the party?" Somehow I expected us to be invited to a party somewhere and not to go to a club. I definitely have nothing against it, but I felt strange going to a public party location with super-famous K-pop idols. "What about reporters and fans?" I look around searchingly as we stand in line for the club. "Cell phones and cameras are not allowed in there. We have to leave everything at the cloakroom. So even if there are some in there, they have no evidence that we were there too." Han, who has his arm around my shoulder as we wait, winks at me. The snake slowly moves forward. When it's our turn, security lets us through without hesitation. When we get to the cloakroom, we all put down our cell phones and then go to the area with the party location. It's already incredibly crowded in here and the stuffy air is literally in the room. People crowd together, dance and drink. "Come on, let's get a drink," Chan takes my hand and pulls me towards the bar. As we squeeze through the crowd, our fingers intertwine and my heart begins to race. Yet again! Even at the bar, Chan doesn't let go of my hand. We order a beer, Han and Minho next to us too. I didn't even notice they came to the bar with us. Together we go to one of the seating areas near the dance floor. The music is pounding in my ears, but I can't think about anything else my hand in Chan's. The rest of the boys are already waiting for us. “Don’t you want to drink anything?” Looking irritated me in the round. "Later. You remember that night at the bar?" Felix starts laughing. I definitely remember it. Nobody could tolerate the alcohol and everyone got drunk very quickly. Meanwhile, Chan pulls me onto the bench next to him, puts his arm around me and takes a sip of his beer. The boys are either dancing, getting something to drink or deep in conversation with each other. We've been sitting on the bench for a while and Chan is constantly stroking my upper arm. "I still think idols shouldn't flirt with their stylists!" I say loudly in Chan's ear to drown out the music. "And I think you look particularly pretty today!" He also leaned towards me so that I could understand him better. I lean back a little to look at him, completely red with embarrassment of course, and look at his broad grinning face. "You're annoying Christopher!" "I like it when you say my name." He's still grinning at me. He should stop doing that! "How much have you drunk?" I ask him jokingly, knowing he only had one beer.

hich just means he's serious about it all. The butterflies in my stomach are going crazy. "I'm going dancing!" I jump up from the bench and hope that dancing will distract me a bit. At least if Chan doesn't decide to come along. “Then have fun,” he points to the crowd with a smile. I push past people and accidentally find Changbin and Minho on the dance floor. "Sarah!" Changbin pulls me towards him. "You finally made it to the dance floor!" I dance with them both for a while, which is a lot of fun. None of the people around us seem to notice who they are or simply don't care. It's nice to see that they can feel and behave like normal people and not like global stars. I often see her very happy and always in a good mood, but this was different. It was freer and more informal. Changbin taps me on the shoulder and leans in so I can hear him. "I'll go back to the others." Nodding, I turn back to Minho and continue dancing with him alone.


Third person POV

"Don't you want to dance too?" Changbin sits down across from Chan, who stares at the dance floor and the people. To be more precise, he's just staring at one person. Sarah. "No, everything's fine. Too many people there." "Bro, now go ahead and dance with her." Chan looks at his friend questioningly. "You practically devour her with your gaze. And now you don't even do it inconspicuously anymore." "I don't know what you're talking about," Chan looks into his glass, caught. "Do you think I didn't notice?" Changbin shakes his head at his friend. "Dammit Chan, if you don't dance with her now, someone else will!" Chan looks up again and raises an eyebrow at Changbin. "Yes, exactly. Me, for example. Unlike you, I have I have the balls to dance with her!" They both look at each other in silence for a while. "So?" Changbin points to the dancing crowd. "Well..." The moment Chan gets up to go to the dance floor, he sees a strange man with Sarah. The two dance exuberantly together. "Didn't I say it? If you don't do it, someone else will." Changbin looks disappointed in his friend. Dejected, Chan falls back onto the bench and stares at the two of them from a safe distance. "Come on, she's just dancing with him. No reason to give up." "It's a little too intimate for her to just dance with him..." the muscles in his jaw start to twitch.


I don't know the man with me. But to be honest I don't care. I'm just having too much fun right now. At some point I lost sight of Minho. Maybe he just left without saying anything. This guy took his place here in front of me. He's handsome, no question. But I can't help but wonder what it would be like to dance with Chan like that. In fact, I'd rather have him here with me right now. Does he see me from the sitting area? I'm just leaning back a little to look between the people at our seats when the unknown guy suddenly moves even closer. Too close for my taste. I carefully try to put some distance between us, but he doesn't seem to like that. He grabs me around the waist and pulls me to him. His hand slips to my butt. "Hey. Hands off!" I push my hands against his chest, but he remains unfazed. "I'm not doing anything." He grins broadly at me. "And if you do something. Let me go!" Which he doesn't do. He leans down towards me, ignoring me leaning back as far as I can to get away from his face. I'm still trying to push him away with my hands. I can clearly smell the alcohol he drank. "Keep your hands off her!" Startled, I look to the side and see Chan standing next to us. The guy immediately lets go of me. But only because he stands in front of Chan and looks at him menacingly. "Do we have a problem?" He deliberately provokes Chan. "Yes, we certainly do." "Is that your girl or what?" Chan looks at me briefly. I've never seen him so angry. "I thought so. So let me dance with her in peace and fuck off!" The stranger wants to turn back to me, but Chan stops him by pushing him away from me. "Hey, what's this?" Now the stranger is pissed too. "Chan, please," I try to stand between the two, but the stranger pushes me away. I crash into someone. Changbin stands behind me. The other people don't seem to notice that a fight could start here. I try again to stop Chan from fighting with the strange guy. "Chan, that's enough," I grab his arm, which he angrily pulls away from me. "I've had enough. Have fun with this one. I'm leaving." Without another word, Chan turns around and disappears into the crowd. My attempt to call after him fails because of the volume of the music.

Chan, are you okay?
Chan...please get in touch...
I'm worried!

𝚁𝚎𝚍 𝙻𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜 » 𝙱𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚗Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu