I want to kill

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I want to kill,
I want to see a person weak to my strength, have them do as I please.
Keep them locked up somewhere they'll never be found or screams ever be heard.
I want to cut them, blind them, get them as close to death as possible then not give them the release.
I want them crying, begging for a death quick and fast and refuse it.
I want to give them death so slow and painful they might as well have gone to the deepest pits of hell and requested satan himself.
I want to hear their screams of agony and suffering and do nothing about it.
I want to tell their family 'we did everything we could' when the body is found exactly where I dumped it.
I want to be there when they look for the killer, calling him a sadist not knowing he's in the room.
I want to be there as they bury the body, be among the mourners who have no clue that it was me the mutilated that flesh.
I want to dream about their screams 'till they become nothing more then a faded memory.
I want to do it again.

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