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"Where's my other shoe?" Scarlet practically shouted in question as she rushed out of Theo's bathroom wearing the dress You-Know-Who gifted her.

All the boys said it was a terrible idea to wear the dress but if she didn't, then she was letting the old hag win and she never let anyone win over her.

"I think it's under the bed," Theo answered as he walked past her dressed in a black suit, going into his bathroom.

Scarlet groaned, throwing the other shoe on the bed before pushing away the skirts of her dress as she bent down, and to Theo's guess, he was right, her other black heel was under his bed. Quickly, she grabbed it and sat on his bed, putting on both heels as he walked back out of his bathroom, handing her their mother's diamond necklace.

"We're meeting the boys in Blade's room. Are you still going with Riddle?" Theo questioned as she finished putting the necklace on.

"Well, I would say so. Why?" She stood up, walking back into his bathroom to put on red lipstick.

"Have you spoken to him since the other night?"

Scarlet made sure to apply her lipstick perfectly on her lips before facing back to her brother standing near his door. "No, but if he can take a blonde back to his room then I can get on the back of Kylo's bike." She shrugged her shoulders, walking over to him. "Plus, I didn't do anything with Ky."

"He thinks otherwise."

"And I care because?" She arched a brow at him before opening his door. "Riddle has been stuck to that blonde like glue for days now. How come he can do that but when I get on the back of my friend's bike, I get questioned. Make that make sense, Theodore."

He didn't say anything as she walked out of his room and threw open Blade's door, seeing all the boys dressed in suits and instantly gawking at her.

"Damn, Scar," Blade whispered as he looked her up and down. "You get hotter every day."

Theo walked past her, slapping Blade on the back of the head. "Watch it, Zabini. That's my little sister."

Scarlet snorted at Theo and walked over to Enz, starting to fix his tie. "You're only older by three minutes."

"Still means I'm older," Theo countered.

"Blade isn't wrong though," Enz interjected with a smirk before placing a kiss on her cheek. "If Riddle wasn't taking you then I would."

"Where is Riddle?" Scarlet asked when she realized he wasn't in the room.

"Right here."

Scarlet whirled around to see Mattheo standing in the doorway dressed in an all-black suit that made a small smile appear on her face. But that smile quickly vanished as she noticed the blonde behind him. The same damn blonde that hasn't pissed off for days.

"Looks like you're my date, Enz," Scarlet said as Mattheo and the blonde walked into Blade's room, the both of them ignoring the glares thrown their way from all the boys. "What's your name?" she asked the blonde.

The girl looked at the boys and then at Scarlet with disgust in those bitchy green eyes. "Paige Mill."

"I thought Riddle hated blondes, but there tends to be a few rare occasions when I'm wrong," Scarlet said with a fake smile and then looked at Mattheo. "So, is she your date?"

Mattheo scratched the back of his neck. "Uh, yeah, but not till later."

"What does that mean?" She placed a hand on her hip, getting more annoyed by the second.

"Well, me and you are still going together for the start of the night," he answered, making her blood boil.

"Oh, I get it," Scarlet drawled with sweet venom. "I'm the starter and she's the main course."

Troubled Nott || Mattheo Riddle (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now