16. make up

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It was three in the morning and Audrey had still not gone to bed. She was still reeling over the fact that Regulus Fucking Black kissed her at midnight. And she was still reeling over the fact that Barty took a picture of it.

To be honest, the girl wasn't as mad as she claimed to be. She was even somewhat happy that there was a picture to mark the occasion...she just didn't need the picture getting out.

Her friends would have a field day with it.

Audrey tossed and turned in bed, careful to not wake Lily sleeping beside her. After laying in bed for a couple more minutes, the girl decided to get some water from the kitchen in a desperate attempt to clear her head. It was well past three in the morning, so she was sure no one would be awake. She'd be able to have her existential crisis in peace.

As Audrey tiptoed down the stairs, she felt the effects of the wine from earlier. She swayed back and forth, careful to steady herself on the handrail.

When Audrey reached the bottom of the stairs, she was surprised to see Regulus, who was standing in front of the living room window. No private crisis happening anymore it seems.

"Reg?" Audrey whispered into the darkness. The boy whipped his head around, as he thought she had already gone to sleep.

"Drey? Is that you?" Regulus whispered back. The girl couldn't help but smile. His voice always did that to her.

"I'm just grabbing water," Audrey explained, slowly pulling open the fridge. Regulus left his spot near the window and met her in the kitchen. He was wringing his hands, obviously quite distraught. His hair was all over the place, still messy from where Audrey's hands were just a few hours ago.

"Still mad about earlier?" Audrey asked as she poured her glass of water. "Barty won't tell anyone. And I won't either. I know you don't want that getting out." Her own words struck her. Obviously she was hurt about the whole thing. She had come to realize a few months back that she was in love with the boy standing in front of her. The fact that he didn't love her back, and seemed ashamed to be with her, made her heart practically rip in half.

"About that," Regulus said. He took a deep breath. "I've been thinking a lot, and I realized I don't care."

"You don't care about..." Audrey coaxed the boy. He rolled his eyes, but stepped closer towards her. He was so close she could reach out and touch him.

"I don't care about what my mother thinks. Or my father, for that matter," Regulus explained. Audrey almost dropped her glass.

Regulus moved even closer, wrapping his arm around Audrey's waist. Her breath hitched, and she stared up at him. He was breathing harder, pulling her in closer, desperate for her attention.

"I just want you, and everything that comes with you," Regulus whispered. Audrey swallowed, her heart almost stopping completely at his words.

"Jesus, Reg, I have been waiting to her you say that for so long. I love you, I love you, I love you," Audrey gushed, taking a leap of confidence to wrap her arms around his neck, tangling her fingers in his hair.

Regulus breathed a sigh of relief, wasting no time to pull her face to his, engulfing her lips in their second kiss of the night. This kiss was desperate, hungry almost. He couldn't get enough. He wanted every part of her, the good and the bad, if it meant they could be like this, forever.

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