Entry 35 - The Unreadable Teabag

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Dear dairy.....

Today's dream was...somthing, I had a dream about an infamous teabag, a tea bag that has taken the entire universe by storm, but why...?...

....becuase the name was in an unknown language, those who try to transato it failed, it it's gotten to the point it was meme'd about in anime!

I found out about it when my sister was watching my least favorite anime....British Victorian people doing British Victorian crimes very menacingly because some kid's parents died ™ (Aka Black Butler, Also btw, this is no hate towards BB fans ^^), which had a special where sombody tries to read the teabag and started RAPPING- then I sensed a evil spirit in the room and KILLED IT, then I tried to read the teabag....I succeeded......


.....it was the lyrics to the Disapearnce of Hatsune Miku.....


And that's all for now!

See you later!

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