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As the next few months passed, you and your new team arrived at the dorm.

They drop off their backpacks and luggage in the living room to look around. Jinni grabs your hand.

Jinni: Jagiya, let's go and check the balcony!

The two of you open the sliding door and step out.

You: Woah, we got a spectacular view!

Jinni: I like my view better.

You look over to see your girlfriend staring at you, causing you to tickle her chin.

You: You're cute, you know? It makes me wanna kiss you.

Jinni starts to scoot close to you.

Jinni: What are you waiting for?

You smile at her before you slowly lean towards each other until...

Lily: We're about to choose- Oh my god!

You and Jinni quickly separate upon hearing Lily. You turn your head.

You: Yah, Lily unnie!

Jinni: Unnie, why didn't you knock?

Lily: I didn't want to disturb you loverbirds. Anyway, Haewon wants everyone to meet in the living room.

JY & JN: Ne.

You and Jinni exit the balcony, following Lily inside.

Haewon: Now we have everybody here, we'll choose our roommates.

Bae: Are we going to use the ladder game?

Jiwoo: Rock paper scissors?

Kyujin: By age?

Haewon: We'll do something similar to Stray Kids sunbaenim.

You: Is it where one member chooses a room and so on?

Similar to this

Haewon: Ne. Let's split into two teams.

Team 1: Lily, Jiyeon, Jiwoo

Team 2: Haewon, Sullyoon, Jinni, Bae, Kyujin

While Team 2 had their backs turned, Team 1 looked at each other.

Jiwoo: So, who's going first?

You: You can go first, Jiwoo.

Lily: I was going to let you go first.

You: Let's decide with gawi bawi bo. Hana, dul, set.

LL, JY, & JW: Gawi bawi bo!

Lily: *Scissors*

You: *Paper*

Jiwoo: *Paper*

Lily: Ha, I go first!

While she heads off, it is you and Jiwoo.

You: Second turn.

JY & JW: Gawi bawi bo!

You: *Rock*

Jiwoo: *Rock*

JY & JW: Gawi bawi bo!

You: *Paper*

Jiwoo: *Paper*

You: Jiwoo-ya~!

Jiwoo: Stop copying me~!

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