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"You remember everything we learned?" Scarlet asked Krum again for the fifth time as he paced around his makeshift room.

"I think," Krum said as he stopped pacing and faced her. "You should probably go check on your friend."

Scarlet stood up from his bed, pulling him into a tight hug. "I'm expecting to see you alive after this," she mumbled as he hugged her back. "I don't want to witness you dying on me."

"I won't die," Krum assured her as they pulled away. "After this, hopefully, the tasks can't get any worse."

"And then we can go home." She gave him a warm smile. "Igor is probably getting impatient."

Krum looked past her to where Igor was, in fact, waiting for him in the center of the tent. "He definitely is," he said quietly, looking back at her. "You better cheer for me."

"I'm your biggest fan," she said with a small laugh. "I should go check on the boys though."

He gave her a nod. "Go on."

Scarlet gave him one last hug before walking out of his room and slipping into Mattheo's room to see all the boys. She sat next to her brother as Mattheo read through the notes about dragons, the six of them looking nervous for him. No one else was allowed in the tent, but Scarlet since she was a part of Krum's guard, meaning the other boys would have to sneak out before someone threw the curtains open.

"Well, this is the day," Drae said grimly as Mattheo looked up at them.

"He'll be fine," Scarlet said, trying to sound optimistic.

Mattheo looked at her and for the first time since she had known him, his eyes held fear, making her heart drop.

"You've got this, mate," Blade said as he grabbed Mattheo's shoulder, making him look away from her. "If shit starts to go south, then we'll jump in there."

"Wait what?" Scarlet blurted and Theo sent her a look. "I mean, yeah," she recovered with a nervous laugh.

"Fucking hell," Theo mumbled, shaking his head.

"I'll be fine," Mattheo said, taking a step away from Blaise.

"Come on, we gotta get our seats," Enz said, obviously feeling the change in everyone's moods.

"Don't die on us, bro," Theo said, standing up before giving Mattheo a brief hug as did Drae and Blaise before they snuck out.

"We have your back," Enz said as they hugged and then he headed out, leaving Scarlet with only Mattheo.

"You'll get a Ukrainian Ironbelly," Scarlet said quietly as she stood up. "It's the biggest dragon but also the slowest. Use that to your advantage." She gave him a small smile, walking over to the curtain.

"How do you know I'll get that dragon?" Mattheo asked her.

Scarlet stopped, turning back around to face him. "Because I pulled some strings. As much as I hate you, it doesn't mean I'll sit back and watch you die."

Mattheo grabbed her elbow, and before she could realize what was happening, he pulled her into his chest, wrapping his arms around her.

"Thank you," he mumbled into her hair, and against her own heart, she wrapped her arms around him.

"Thank me if you survive this," she said as they pulled away, the both of them taking a step back from each other.

After a long pause, he turned around, opened his bag and pulled out his quidditch jacket. "Wear this for me." He handed her the black and green jacket and she hesitated but took it anyway. "You might hate me, but at least I'll die knowing that you're wearing that."

Scarlet held up the jacket, looking at the back to see 'Riddle' written in white letters.

"You won't die," she said firmly, looking back up at him. "We won't let you go that easy."

Mattheo gave her a nod and she took that as her sign to leave. She pushed open the curtain, walking out of his room before slipping his jacket on, the familiar scent of cinnamon filling her nose as she went to find the boys.

'✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹

After hours of anxiety lacing through the stands, Dumbledore finally announced who the Slytherins were waiting for. "And now, for our fourth contestant, Mattheo Riddle!"

"Let's go, Slytherin King!" Blaise shouted, cupping his hands around his mouth.

Chanting of Mattheo's name filled the stands, feet hitting the ground to cause an echo as he walked out into the open where everyone in the stands could see him.

"You got this, Mattheo!" Scarlet shouted as she stood up with the boys. "Kick that dragon's ass!"

Mattheo took another step, and the crowd went quiet. Scarlet grabbed Theo's hand as Mattheo took a few steps toward the golden egg in the center of the arena, only for the dragon's white tail to crash against the wall above his head, making him drop into a crouch as the crowd gasped.

The dragon roared and Mattheo broke into a sprint, dodging its fire by jumping behind a stone wall. The dragon blasted out fire again as Mattheo ran to the next stone wall the crowd screamed.

"Remember what I taught you!" Scarlet shouted at the top of her lungs, making Mattheo look at her. "Use your wand!"

Mattheo gave her a shallow nod before sprinting toward the next stone wall as the dragon flew into the air just above him. Its tail hit the stone wall just as he ducked down. It struck again with its tail and debris fell on him.

"Get up, Riddle!" Draco shouted as Scarlet's heart bashed in her chest.

The dragon roared and Mattheo sprinted toward another wall as Scarlet let go of Theo, running down to the edge of the stands as the dragon scaled the wall toward his back.

"Behind you!" Scarlet shouted as Enz stopped beside her.

With her warning, Mattheo turned around, wand aimed, and fired a spell that made the dragon shrill as it dropped onto the rocks, sending debris flying toward the stands.

"Get the fucking egg! Now!" Theo yelled.

Mattheo didn't look back at the dragon that was shaking its head around as he sprinted for the egg. Scarlet sighed in relief as he scooped the egg up and a dozen men jumped into the arena, casting spells at the dragon.

Scarlet grabbed Enzo's hand, pulling them through the stands and she let go of him as she climbed down into the arena. Her legs pushed her toward Mattheo and just as he turned around, she threw her arms around his neck, holding him tight.

"I told you that you wouldn't die," Scarlet said to him as he hugged her back with his free arm, tucking his head into her hair.

"Now, I can say thank you," Mattheo chuckled, and she pinched his shoulder, making him laugh more.

"You did it, man," Enzo said, making the pair pull away from each other.

Scarlet's eyes widened as she looked down at her feet, realizing that she just hugged Mattheo, and everyone saw it.

Bloody hell, Scarlet.

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