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"Slow down for a second," Krum said as he jogged to catch up with Scarlet as she headed toward the Great Hall for breakfast.

"I'm hungry," Scarlet complained as she stopped, crossing her arms over her chest in annoyance since she was starving.

Krum finally caught up to her and for once there was no amusement in his eyes, making her wearily and worried. "The first task is dragons," he said quietly, glancing around to make sure no one was listening as her heart plummeted to her feet. Did he say fucking dragons?

"You have to be joking," she said in complete disbelief.

He shook his head, his face grim. "Igor told me himself. I even saw them, Star."

"Why are you telling me though?" She arched a brow.

"Because your friend should know."


She still hadn't seen Mattheo since their fight in the common room a few days ago and she was hoping to keep avoiding him for a few more days, but this—dragons—he needed to know about.

"I-I have to go." She cursed herself for stuttering like an idiot.

Scarlet gave him a fake smile and quickly turned around, sprinting straight toward the Slytherin common room with anxiety—her hunger long forgotten.

A group of Slytherins walked out of the common room as she pushed them out of her way and practically threw herself into the room where she spotted Theo and Blaise on the couches, doing homework.

"Where's Riddle?" Scarlet breathlessly asked.

The both of them shared a confused glance as Drae walked into the common room. "What happened to you?" he asked Scarlet who was slightly pale.

"Where's Riddle?" she repeated, ignoring Drae's question.

"He's in his room doing whatever it is that he does," Theo answered, raising a brow. "Why?"

But Scarlet didn't answer her brother as she sprinted down the hall, hearing the boys run after her while asking her questions that she ignored. Finally, she reached Mattheo's door, throwing it open to see a tall brunette with brown eyes, staring at her in confusion from the sudden entrance.

"Good to see you're finally moving on, Riddle." Scarlet smirked at Mattheo on his bed and then looked back at the girl. "Get out."

"You can't kick me out," the girl scoffed with a dirty look.

The boys stopped behind Scarlet, almost running into her but she rolled her eyes and walked into Mattheo's room, grabbed the girl, and then threw her into the hallways as she swore.

"What are you doing?" Mattheo asked Scarlet as she pushed the boys into the room before slamming the door on the girl's face. "I was busy."

"Didn't look very busy considering she still had her clothes on," Enz snickered as he threw himself on Mattheo's couch with Draco and Blaise.

"I know what your first task is," Scarlet said, ignoring Enzo's comment as all the attention landed on her. "Dragons."

"Dragons?" Theo practically shouted with his eyes widening.

"How do you know?" Blaise asked as he sat up straighter with curiosity.

Scarlet walked over to Mattheo's desk and sat on it. "Krum told me while I was heading to the Great Hall."

"Of course, the prick did," Mattheo mumbled with a roll of his eyes.

"He told me so I could help you," Scarlet snapped, sending him a glare. "So be fucking grateful, Riddle."

"So, what do we do?" Draco cut in, perhaps to save a fight that they all knew was about to happen.

"Maybe if Riddle is nice, I'll help him," Scarlet suggested as she pulled a cherry lollipop out of her pocket. Seemed to be the only thing she would be able to eat since she skipped going to the Great Hall.

"How do you know about dragons?" Theo questioned his sister as she popped the lollipop in her mouth.

She shrugged her shoulders. "We have a whole class on learning about dragons. I even got to see a Common Welsh Green dragon. Twice."

"For some reason, that makes me more scared of you," Theo mumbled.

Scarlet picked up Mattheo's notebook and quill, throwing it to him. "Take notes of what I'm about to tell you," she instructed him and to her surprise, he didn't object as he opened the notebook. "For starters, dragons are one of the most dangerous and hardest creatures to control—"

"That's obvious," Enzo cut in, eyeing her lollipop.

She threw her lollipop at her, which he caught and put in his mouth with a smirk.

Rolling her eyes, Scarlet faced back to a pissed-off Mattheo. "All dragons are known as wizard killers that are nearly impossible to train or domesticate so don't even try to tame it."—He gave her an annoyed look—"Dragons are extremely difficult to kill but spells can harm them. Use the Conjunctivitis Curse on a dragon because their eyes are their weakest spot. You can even put the dragon into a trance or use a bewitched spell."

"What types of dragons are there?" Theo questioned as she scooted back on the desk, leaning her back against the wall.

"Great question." She smiled at him. "There are ten different kinds."—All their faces dropped—"Don't look at me like that. As long as he doesn't get a Hebridean Black or a Hungarian Horntail or a Peruvian Vipertooth, then he has a good chance of living."

"How good is that chance?" Mattheo asked, running a hand through his brown curly hair.

Scarlet cringed her face. "Uh, if I tell you the truth, then you won't like it."

"Bloody hell," Blaise mumbled, dropping his head back against the couch.

"You'll be fine," Scarlet said, getting off the desk and snatching her lollipop back from Enzo. "Just run, dodge, and fucking pray."

"Your advice is always lovely," Mattheo sarcastically muttered.

Scarlet winked at him, popping the lollipop back in her mouth. "Always for you, pretty boy." She smiled at the boys and opened the door, leaving the room without another word to them.

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