Chapter 5 A Much Needed Break

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So I decided not to rewrite the last few chapters. The new characters are going to be added in the next chapter. I'm lazy OK?

Oh and one more thing. Throughout this story, I will sometimes dedicate a chapter to show the characters moments from the show/books. Some of the things I will definitely show them are: The battle for Castle Black, Tyrion's trial and a lot of other scenes that involve White Walkers.


Out of the corner of his eye, he could see that by now everyone had left, even his two new friends, but Jon paid it no mind. All he could think about was that he would die in just 4 years' time. Before he could spiral back to his depressing thoughts he felt someone hug him.

"I don't want you to die Jon." Arya said as she sobbed into his shoulder. He slowly wrapped his arms around his little sister.

He wanted to tell her he wouldn't die, but after what they had just seen he knew he couldn't do that. "I can't promise you that." It came out as quiet as a whisper. The rest of his siblings joined Arya in the group hug.

The adults weren't sure what to say now that the anger and shock had subsided. What really could you say in this situation? Ask him if he was alright? Of course, he wasn't. Tell him they would make sure this didn't happen once they were sent back? The only thing the person that brought them here told them was that they would be shown their future. They were never told anything about going back and changing things. Well, they had to hope they could change things.

As Jon was being hugged by his family he couldn't help but tear up. It wasn't from sadness about his death, he really just felt numb, but rather from happiness. It felt good to know there were people who cared for him. Even Lady Stark stayed. He avoided eye contact with her though. She was only here because of her children, but that didn't really bother him. He'd gotten used to it a long time ago.

Ned and Benjen sat down on either side of Jon. Catelyn sat next to her husband. Ned put his hand on his nephew's shoulder. "You will not go join the Night's Watch. We'll make sure of that once we are sent back." Catelyn sighed quietly. She knew Ned was going to do this and she couldn't find it in herself to blame him.

"Your father is right, lad. You should have never gone to the Wall in the first place." Benjen added. No matter what happened he would make sure his nephew did not join the watch. At the very least this would dissuade Jon from even wanting to join.

Jon nodded. Joining the Night's Watch did not seem like a good idea anymore. But at the same time, what would happen at the Wall if he wasn't there? What would the consequences be if he stayed in Winterfell? Would they be bad or good? He became the Lord Commander so he had to have done something important or significant. And Jon had a feeling it had something to do with the Others.

"Let's just turn in for the night." Jon suggested. He could still feel the burning pain of being stabbed. It was almost as if he experienced the same pain his future self felt. Maybe that was a thing that happened in this place.

Everyone agreed with him. It would be easier to think about everything once they had some rest. However before they could all leave, Sansa asked one burning question. "So... you won't leave for the Wall?"

"I don't know." This was immediately met with protests from everyone.

"You can't leave! They will kill you!" Bran argued while Rickon shook his head and kept repeating the word 'no'.

"No, no no no. You are not going to that damn wall to die Jon!" Robb was not going to let his brother leave Winterfell. Not after what they had just seen.

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