Chapter 3 Hardhome

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Hey. I'm back. This took way longer to write than I thought it would. I'm going, to be honest, I am not 100% satisfied with how this chapter turned out and I will most likely revisit it in the future to rewrite some parts.


EXT. HARDHOME – SHORE The ships full of Crows and wildlings dock at Hardhome. Jon and Tormund get out together. The camera fixates on the swords on their hips. "You trust me Jon Snow?" Tormund asks him.

Benjen sighed. Looks like Jon ended up joining the Night's Watch. He had hoped Jon would reconsider and stay in Winterfell. He was sure that once Jon actually joined he found out the truth about what the watch had become. Well, at least this future would show Jon what it was really like in the watch and he would change his mind.

Howland shook his head in sadness. Joining the watch meant Jon had given up all the titles he never even knew he had. He would never be able to stake his claim on the Iron Throne since the Watch's oath could only be released by death. But that also brought up another question. What would happen once that dragon found Jon? Howland was sure the dragon wouldn't give a damn about some oath.

Ned was conflicted. On one hand, Jon had given up his birthright and couldn't make a claim on the Iron Throne which meant Ned wouldn't have to choose between his nephew and his best friend, even if the choice should have been obvious. But on the other hand, Robert was a terrible king and his children wouldn't be much better. Jon had what it took to make a great king with some practice. What bothered Ned the most was the fact that he probably never told Jon about his heritage before he joined the watch. He was sure Lyanna was rolling around in her grave at his decisions.

Tormund was confused. What the hell was he doing with a crow? Had the crows changed their opinions on the Free Folk? Maybe they found out about the White Walkers and decided to help the Free Folk. He hoped that was the case, maybe there was a chance for peace between them. There definitely would be once the crows and kneelers found out about the common enemy.

He looked over at the younger Jon Snow. Why would he need an invisible wall to separate him from everyone else, even his own family? Could it be because he would make peace with the Free Folk in the future? The kneelers in the room with them would definitely not agree with that decision. But surely they wouldn't go as far as to hurt or kill him for that, right?

The man in question was ecstatic. He finally joined the Night's Watch in the future. The Watch may not be ideal but it was really Jon's only option. It was the only place where he could actually do something significant. And he could finally get away from Lady Stark's hatred for him. Unfortunately, he would also have to leave the rest of his family behind. He was sure they wouldn't take his decision that well.

Jon was correct indeed. The Stark children were saddened by the fact their older brother would leave for the wall. Arya was heartbroken as the only person who truly understood her would no longer be there for her. Sansa's stomach was churning with dread. She treated Jon pretty badly because she had to be a proper lady like her mother, who treated Jon horribly because he was a bastard. Sansa had a thought that racked her with guilt. Was she part of the reason Jon wanted to leave? Robb was sad that his brother had to leave but he was also angry at his mother. Robb knew his mother despised Jon for some bloody reason and he was sure she was the main reason Jon would leave for the wall in the future. And his father wasn't much better, he never stopped her from abusing Jon.

Catelyn was very happy. The bloody bastard finally got removed from her home in Winterfell. She did not really care about where he went as long as she didn't have to deal with him anymore. It seems that in the future her husband finally saw reason and got rid of the bastard, who she was sure would try to rise above his station and try to usurp her children one day.

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