Chapter 2 The Escape

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Just some clarification. I have taken the characters from after the Starks got their direwolves but before Robert arrives in Winterfell. And yes Jon Arryn is already dead.


Just like for the past months I have woken up in the dark. I am here chained and bound alongside my pale and golden brother and he is as angry as I am.

How could our mother do this to us? To lock us away in here in the dark and refuse us to fly and hunt in the air where we belong.

"Are those dragons?!" "But that's impossible!" "There are no more dragons!" "They were all killed ages ago!" "This has to be some sort of trickery!"

The lords in the room were all shouting at each other trying to figure out what to do with the knowledge that dragons might return to Westeros. The children were both fascinated and scared of the prospect of dragons returning. The stories they were told were enough to make them aware that while dragons were majestic beasts they could also be used to cause destruction and death to those who opposed their masters.

Robert was... scared, to be honest. Defeating Rhaegar and the Mad King was simple because they did not have dragons. If this future is to be true then that meant either Viserys or Daenerys Targaryen had hatched dragons and were coming to take back the Iron Throne.

He briefly overheard his wife and her father Tywin giving orders to the lords of the Westerlands to build as many scorpions as they could once they got out of here. Tywin would be damned if those Targaryens came back after he finally made his daughter the queen.

All the other lords were also making plans to build scorpions once they got out of here. The lords of the Crownlands and The Narrow Sea on the other hand were in agreement to support the Targaryen who could control these dragons once he arrived in Westeros.

Robert was wary of the lords of the Crownlands. He knew those cunts would support the damn dragonspawn if they ever came back, especially if they had dragons with them. And he didn't trust those Dornish snakes either. Was this what the mad king saw? Enemies and traitors at every corner? The only person Robert could truly trust was Ned. He knew his best friend would never sell him out to the Targaryens and would fight with him to the bitter end.

Jaime's hands were shaking. He very often had nightmares about the death of the royal family and how his father presented their mutilated bodies to Robert as if they were some sort of gift or trophy. Maybe this new Targaryen would be a chance to redeem himself for failing Rhaegar and his family. And hopefully, it wouldn't be a repeat of Aerys Targaryen because as deranged as he was at least he did not have dragons. Jaime shuddered at that thought. Thank the seven the mad king did not have a dragon.

Jon felt weird. He did not feel any fear of seeing dragons. In fact, it fascinated him, he read a lot of books in Winterfell's library about the Targaryens and their dragons, but it was nothing compared to actually seeing one with his own two eyes. It was almost as if he was being drawn to the dragons, especially the emerald green one. He couldn't explain it, it was the same feeling he had with ghost, but it felt... stronger, as if there was some deeper connection there.

Unlike my pale brother I am fortunate, for since I hatched, I have felt my rider even though he is far away from me, he is in a land filled with cold and snow. It is not usual for us to be able to connect with our riders from such a distance but mine is special. He is strong and powerful in magic and that is just as necessary for us to grow strong.

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