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Author's pov

"I , Captain Jung Junho , take Kim Taehyung as my officially wedded husband. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to cherish and to love you until death do us part"

"I Kim Taehyung, take Captain Jung Junho as my lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to cherish and to love you until death do us part"

"By the power in my vest I pronounce you both husband and husband. You may kiss the groom and seal your vows"

Both the grooms leaned forward and shared a quick peck , not even a peck. Their lips barely touched. A Navy officer , an alpha, Jung Junho today got arrange married to his now husband Kim Taehyung another alpha

Junho was not in favour for this marriage but just for the sake of his parents he agreed to marry the other , an alpha that too male. He has no problem with the other's gender the only problem is this marriage.

He just doesn't wants to get committed to someone. He is a free soul and commitments are not his cup of tea and moreover him being in navy will only cause more issues to his partner as he won't be by their side most of the time

As per the ritual the newly married couple have to mate on the very night of their marriage and mark each other but junho didn't marked his husband. Only did half the ritual and the very next day left for his job as he got a call

This left the poor alpha heartbroken. He wasn't accepted by his partner which made his inner alpha to grieve in pain of rejection. Days went by but no trace of his so-called husband

Taehyung tried to move on from the fact that his husband clearly rejected him by not marking him but it was very difficult for him when his brothers-in-law would flaunt his mate mark unintentionally which broke his little heart a bit more

What broke him more was that his husband didn't even came to meet him when he returned from navy. Only meet his family members and then partied with his friends to catch up and left

He hated those pityfull eyes from his in-laws. Crying wasn't the option but what else could he do when his husband was so ignorant towards him. He doubts if his husband knows his name also or not

And he found his comfort in his job. His cafe. Baking relieved his stress and helped him divert his mind for the particular moment from his so-called alpha husband

It has already been six months of their this arrange marriage and till now both of them haven't even talked for once properly. Taehyung would feel slight jealous when his brothers-in-law would bring gifts for their mates and pamper them. It always brought tears in his eyes

One day he was having lunch with his in-laws when his husband returned from navy.

"Who is he?" This single question from his husband broke him to the core that he ran away from there and sobbed in their room before hurriedly packing his bags. This no less than humiliation. The alpha forgot the name of the person he married in his sane state?

He without a word left the house when his in-laws were confronting his husband

"Taehyung!!" Jinsoo , the Jung's eldest son's mate shouted when he saw the alpha leaving from his peripheral vision

"Let him go jinnie. He was getting humiliated all these months. His own husband left him without marking him on the very next day of marriage, never talked to him nor meet him even when he returned and now even forgot his existence. What do you expect from that poor soul? Let him go" Yoshi, jinsoo's mate said with a bitter tone

"I already said you guys i am not ready for any commitment or marriage" junho said and left for his room

"Did i ruined taehyung's life by marrying him to junho?" Mrs. Jung asked in which she only got sad sighs

With lots of coaxing and promises Mrs. Jung brought taehyung back only for him to break more by seeing his husband in navy outfit with a girl sitting on his lap and them laughing without any care of the world

"Why Mrs. Jung?! Why?! Why do you need to break me more and more?! Can't you just leave me alone?! I left.. I tried to move on and even applied for divorce then why are did you dragged me back here?! You very well know I am an alpha , male alpha and i cannot conceive but still you married me off to your alpha son. For what?! Just to break me to see my own husband enjoying with omegas leaving me here all vulnerable?! Why do you want me to face this humiliation everytime i step inside this house?! Just because i am an orphan?!" Taehyung confronted Mrs. Jung and left from their while wiping his tears harshly

This created a huge scene and the neighbors for sure heard it and started gossiping and making their own theories. Mr. Jung confronted his wife for her this behaviour who reasoned that she just wants the best for her son but soojin the second son of Jung's mate showed everyone the reality

Soojin confessed to everyone how he heard Mrs. Jung talking about making taehyung's life hell as he is the son of Mrs. Jung's college rival from whom she always lost in any type of competition

There was a huge dispute going on in the Jung Household. Junho wanted to leave to stay away from this situation but his elder brothers made him forcefully stay back

Next day a divorce paper was mailed to the Jungs. Of course it was from taehyung who had already signed it. Junho didn't gave much a thought to it and signed the papers. He had no feeling for the other, heck he even forgot about the other. It's better to drift apart rather than staying in the toxic and equivalent to no benefit relationship



The tension was thick in this chap 🐮

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