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"I've missed you dearly." Ravenna tells, stepping closer to me. I shift back. Hugh steps forward. I stop him. "No, Ravenna. Leave. I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to see you. Go." I demand. She tilts her head to the side. I can feel Hugh's eyes on me. "We both know that's not true." she says. "It is. I never want to see you again. Go." I reply. She shakes her head. "No, Y/n. I'm not going without you. I came here for you. I'm not leaving if you're not leaving with me." she explains.

"Y/n-" Hugh starts. "Who's this? Your boyfriend?" Ravenna teases, a hint of jealousy in her tone. I glare at her. "I'm not-" Hugh tries. "He's not my boyfriend, not that it's any of your business. Please, just go. I don't want to be around you." I say, almost begging. Ravenna doesn't respond. "You heard her. Go." Hugh tells. I look to him. Ravenna laughs. "And who do you think you are? Her lord and savior?" Hugh shifts in his spot. "You're nobody to me, nor should you be anybody to her."

Ravenna turns to look at me. "Have you been here, with him, this whole time?" she questions. I nod. She looks back to Hugh. "Go. You're no longer needed, not that I believe you ever were." "I'm not leaving her here with you." he replies. "Hugh, it's fine." I tell. He hesitates, then looks at me. I sigh and nod. He looks back at Ravenna then leaves. "Right, that's better. Come. We're leaving." she orders. I close my eyes, shaking my head. "No, we're not. You're leaving. I'm happy here." I explain.

"What can I do to get you to come back with me, Y/n?" she asks after a moment of silence. I don't respond. She sighs. "I'll do anything. I- I just want you back." she tells. My eyebrows raise. "You knew murdering Snow White would drive me away, yet you did it anyway. There is nothing you can do get me back." I explain. She steps forward agaiin. I, once again, step back. "Stop, Y/n. Just come back with me. We can be happy again." she tries. I shake my head. "No. I'm happy here, without you."

She suddenly perks up. "No you're not, and you know it. You need me just as much as I need you. I love you, Y/n, and I know you love me." she argues. I look at her. I don't speak. I don't do anything. "Get your stuff, Y/n. Please." she begs. I close my eyes. "One hundred years has passed, Ravenna. Why are you back now?" I question. "I'm back because I've finally found you. I've spent the last twenty years searching after spending eighty hating you for what I did. I drove you away." she explains.

I listen to her talk. "All I want is for you to come back. I miss you more than anything." she says. I sigh. A hint of guilt hits me. I can feel tears behind my eyes. "You should've thought about that before killing Snow White." I tell, my voice cracking. "I know, but I did what I needed to do." she defends. I scoff. "You're so selfish, Ravenna. You didn't need to kill Snow White. You had me. I would've kept you alive for as long as you wanted."

Ravenna groans. "You don't get it, Y/n. I hated using you that way. Seeing you in pain just to help me was horrible!" she shouts. Tears glisten in her eyes, but she wipes them away before they can fall. "I get it. You hate me, and I'm sorry, but I did it for you. I didn't want to continue putting you through pain." I watch her. She takes a small step forward, and this time I don't shift back.

She reaches for me, then stops. "I don't want to force you to come back with me, Y/n, but I need you. I can't function properly without you." she says. I chew on my lip. "I know you want to come back with me. Tell me you want to come back with me." she pushes. I don't reply. "Y/n, please." I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out. "Ravenna, I need to stay here. The others need me." I reply. She grabs my hands. My body tenses. The feel of her familiar cold skin on mine sends a chill up my spine. "Tell me what you want."

I look at our hands. "I want things to be the way they used to be." I whisper. "Then we can go back to the way we were." Ravenna offers, a small smile on her face. I pull my hands away. "No, Ravenna. We can't. I'm needed here." I argue. "Y/n, come on. They have whatever his name is. They don't need you like I need you. I'll never harm another person again, just... please come back." she says, her voice reducing to a whisper.

"I need sleep. Goodbye, Ravenna." I turn and begin to walk away. "No, no. You're not leaving again. I'm not letting you leave me again." she tells, following me. "Just go, Ravenna. I don't have the energy for this right now." I fire back. She follows me back to my cottage. I attempt to close the door on her, but she blocks it. "I refuse to leave without you by my side." she says.

"Why do you want me back so much?" I question. "I miss you. I miss everything about you. I miss your smile, your laugh. I miss the softness of your hair in my hands, the gentleness of your skin on mine. I miss the comfort you bring me. I miss-" she lists. I walk toward her quickly. I cup her face, smashing my lips into hers. A moment passes and her hands are on my waist.

We walk back and climb onto my bed. She kisses along my jaw, down my neck. A soft moan escapes me. She trails her hands up my thigh, under my dress. A slight panic washes over me. "No." I say, pushing her off me. She climbs off me, off the bed. I scramble to my knees. "What?" she questions, confused. "We can't." I breathe out. Ravenna's head tilts to the side. "Can't what?" she asks. I gesture to us. "This. We can't. Not anymore."

She sighs. "Y/n, please-" "You need to go." I interrupt. "Where am I meant to go? It's the dead of night." she tells. I shrug. "I don't know. But you need to go." I repeat. She hesitates, then turns and walks towards the door. She stops as she reaches it. "I'll go, but I'm not leaving this village until you come with me." she says. I don't respond. She opens the door. "Good night, Y/n."

I sit, alone, thinking about what just happened. The door suddenly opens. I look up. "Y/n, are you okay?" Hugh questions. I don't reply. "Y/n?" he pries. I nod. "I'm fine." I respond. He stands in the doorway, silent. Tears form in my eyes. He walks to me, pulling me into a hug. "Did she hurt you?" he asks. I pull back a little. I shake my head. "Are you sure?" I nod again. "I need sleep. Good night, Hugh." I tell. He hesitates, but nods and leaves. I look around my room. My eyes stop on my pillow. I grab it, bringing it up to my face. I scream into it. "Fuck!"

A.N: Hello again

Love, Hate, and Everything Between {Queen Ravenna / Reader}Where stories live. Discover now