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No, no, not yet. Go back to sleep. Go back to sleep. I flop over and throw my arms wide. Why!? Why can you never get back to sleep to finish a good dream? I know I’ve got to get up, breakfast, and morning prayers are starting soon in the nunnery, but I just want to finish that dream. I’ve got about 15 minutes before I have to absolutely get up. If I could just fall back to sleep in five, I could possibly finish the dream in 10. I roll over and snuggle my face back down into the pillows. I close my eyes and start to remember the last thing I saw in my dream. I shut my eyes tighter, and I just can’t grasp the scene, the time, the colors, or the person. I just want her to touch me, to know what her touch would’ve felt like. I stare at the ceiling, trying to remember what she looks like, and I can only get a hazy form. I remember her hair. It was a dark blonde, almost brown. It was long and slightly curly; you know more than wavy but not completely curly either. She was thick, not fat but not with a flat stomach either. Her ass was big but not flabby, nice, and tight. I love the way her legs look like a bleeding-heart flower. Thick thighs that when together look like the heart of the flower going down to her knees then out to her wide calves and small feet. What would her skin feel like under my fingers. I know it’s a sin, but I crave her taste. My pussy is so wet and my nipples are daggers under my night gown. I reach down to run my fingers through that wetness and as I do my gown shifts over my nipples sending ripples of pleasure through my flesh, making the sensations between my legs so much stronger. I wonder if her pussy would be as slick as mine? As if someone had found a way to turn silk into a liquid and had poured it between my legs and over my cunt. I rub my fingers over the fronts and back through that wetness. I lay the flat of my hand against my pussy and press in with my fingers trying to grab a hold of it as tight and hard as I can and rub. My clit is so sensitive and it’s getting so tight. I think of her breasts and how plump they were, and that swell just above her neck line. What would it be like to run my tongue down that crack in the middle or over the outline of that swell? What would it be like to have her rub her nipple over my clit. To feel that breasts plumpness brushing my thighs and the opening of my pussy while her nipples tease my clit? My fingers slip into that wet opening and I catch my breath. I work my fingers in and out thinking of rubbing my clit against her nipple going slowly at first and then picking up speed as my orgasm builds. My fingers are matching the speed of my fantasy and I can feel it now. I slip my fingers out of my pussy and up to my clit. I touch it and immediately I’m arching off the bed and holding my hand tight with my thighs while my fingers with a mind of their own are still trying to rub that little nub standing up so straight, begging for it. Oh, God, I know I shouldn’t but I grab the pillow, put it over my face, and bite down. I start rubbing just lightly, not pressing in just yet. I want to tease it, make it beg me to finish it. There's that liquid silk. Good girl. MMMMmm, I moan against the pillow. I rub a little harder and more silk, and a warmth starts to build in my pussy. I slip my fingers again inside of me and begin working them in and out again. I grind my pussy as hard as I can against them. I can feel the sheet moving under my ass. I need to hurry. I slip my fingers back out and rub my clit hard. Pressing down so hard it should hurt but it only makes me bite the pillow harder and push my pussy up against my fingers. The warmth is back and now the wet silk is running down my ass crack. My bed is going to be soaked again. The warmth is getting so much more intense and I’m biting hard. My hand is pressed so tight against my clit, it’s starting to burn. One more rub and I jerk up with the intensity of my orgasm. My back is up off the bed, thighs clenched tight, eyes clenched, and I’m biting hard to keep from screaming. I feel myself squirt cum across the room. I stay arched while spasms of pleasure jerk through my body, once, twice, I clench my pussy muscle and there’s a final jerk. I lay back down and let go of the sheet I’ve been gripping and let the pillow fall from my face. I’m breathing so hard. My heart pounding in my ears. I hear feet in the hallway outside of my door. “Sister, are you awake”? I steady my breath as much as I can and fane sleepiness. “Huh? Oh, shoot I’ve over slept. Sorry, sister, I’ll hurry and get dressed and be right there.” “Ok, hurry though” I lay there a few seconds longer listening to her leave. I close my eyes and thank my mystery woman for a very good time. I hop up and on wobbly legs head for the bathroom. As I look in the mirror, I place my fingers in my mouth and lick them clean. I turn with a smile on my face and go.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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