The next scene, Hagrid,Harry,Flora,and Petunia are walking down the streets.)

"All students must be equipped standard size two pewter cauldron and may bring if they desire either an owl, a cat or a toad. Could we find all this in London?",Harry read the list.

"Yes.",the wand wielders,Kol,and Petunia said together.

"If you know where to go.",Hagrid told him.

(They walk towards a corner store and as they get closer, the sign above it has "The Leaky Cauldron" magically appearing.)

"Are we going in there?",Flora said as she looked at the sign.

Petunia nodded,"That's the Leaky Cauldron."

"You can see it?",Alice asked Petunia curiously.

Petunia nodded but didn't say anything.

Hagrid looked at Petunia confused,"How can you see it?"

(A/N. I'm not good at writing accents.Sorry.
Petunia only shrugged. It was clear that she did know,she only did not want to say.

"But how can you see it, Petunia? You're not a witch. You don't have magic.",Lily told her sister bluntly.

"There can be more explanations for me being able to see magical things,Lily...not everything revolves around wand wielding witches and wizards.",Petunia told her sister.

Remus nodded,"She right. There are more species around us than we knew."Then he looked at the Mikaelsons.

"The British Wizarding world is incredibly behind.",James then said making Frank,Marlene,and Sirius nod.

"Though...I do have a feeling that it has something to do with magic.",Kol told Petunia.

Petunia gave him a small smiled,"It does."

(They enter the Leaky Cauldron. There was music and several patrons that are speaking to each other.)

"Ah, Hagrid! The usual, I presume?",Tom asked.

"No thanks, Tom. I'm on official Hogwarts business today. Just helping young Harry and Flora here buy his school supplies.",Hagrid told him.

"He shouldn't have done that.",Frank said with a sigh.

"Why?",Finn asked.

"Because now everyone there knows that Harry and Flora are there.",Petunia
answered his question and gave him a kind smile.

"Bless my soul. It's Harry and Flora Potter.", Tom said as he looked at the twins in awe.

(The pub immediately goes silent and everyone notices. Petunia puts a protective hand on both twins shoulders. A man comes up and shakes Harry's hand.)

Many smiled at Petunia's protectiveness.

"Welcome back, Mr. Potter, welcome back.",The man said.

(This made Petunia pull Harry away from him.

A witch then comes up and shakes Flora's hand.)

"Doris Crockford, Mr. Potter. I can't believe I'm meeting you at last.",The witch told her.

(Flora only gives her a polite smile as Petunia pulls her away.

A man in robes with a turban on his head appears. It is Professor Quirrell.)

"Harry and F-flora P-potter. C-can't tell you how pleased I am to meet you.",Quirrell told them.

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