Dream or Reality? (22)

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I hated myself for a long time and I think that's what made me this way, rude, violent, evil, manipulative.
I swear I wasn't trying to be this way, I wanted to change, I want to change, but I fear that when I do everyone will leave because they'll no longer feel obligated to stay.
And I think, I think I'm...

Just lost.

+August 20th 2009+

**Haley Pov**

I stared into the dark sky outside my window, they had taken everyone who worked at the club back to our houses just because of the incident , they were lying though, I knew it, even if they pretended to be calm about everything I knew they were to afraid to admit they were trying to get everyone away from Bill fast, one of the bodyguards said it to the other.

I had heard something you know, how they cautiously evacuated each room carefully to make sure not to accidentally find Faith and Bill.
I know they feared Bill, hated him, and I get it. I feared bill, but I didn't hate him. I loved him but he didn't love me, he loved Faith and I knew that. I could see it in his eyes when he stared at her whilst she would laugh and giggle with Tom, jealously, hurt, but also a small hint of regret, I never understood why he regretted something he did to her but didn't care when he did it to tons of other people, did he regret kidnapping her? Or did he regret causing that scar she has under her right cheek and long scar that was on her palm.

How could he regret that but he couldn't regret when he snatched me from my life and locked me in this prison, how could he steal all the dignity I have left and not regret it.

I broke down knowing the person who stole my whole life was the same person I fell in love with, even if I didn't want to.


I felt as a pair of arms picked me up their scent was so familiar, a dark sweet spicy scent with a hint of weed and cigarettes, I fluttered my eyes open and saw Bill flawlessly walk down the hallway, his defined cheekbones and beautiful eyes captivated my vision, he was just as perfect as yesterday, I stayed quiet as to not ruin the moment, everything felt perfect feeling him against me, he slowly carried me past the corridors blood splattered everywhere and the smell of bullets were stinging my nose but all I cared about was being with Bill.
I then noticed Alexis walk up to him a grin on her face.
She slowly walked aside him and me but the whole time it was silent, soon we got out the house I've been afraid of since I've got here.
Mathew's house.

Just thinking about him terrified me but I was just glad I was no longer going to be near him because Bill saved me, I felt he would.

"You know Haley, I loved you, I really did. You made me want to leave the life and just live with you but, but we can't. All because of Faith." He muttered, I felt as my heart ached hearing it all, Bill loved me? Even after everything? I still kept my eyes closed and slightly kept them open to make sure I could see them.
"It's all Faith's fault Haley. She took me away from you." He whispered again, I felt as my heart started to ache.
"Don't let her take me away Haley, you know what you'll have to do but it's worth it so you can finally have me." He muttered again.
His words made me wonder, was he right? Was faith the reason Bill didn't love me?
Wait no. He's lying, he has to be, this is all a dream right? Right..?

"Kill her Haley and we can have this, we can have a love so strong.." he muttered before placing his lips on mine, but they felt so real. How could this be a dream? He slowly pulled away and stared back into my eyes.

"Kill her." He repeated a bit louder this time.
"Kill her, Kill her Haley." He repeated his eyes no longer a warm light brown but a pure black with no visible pupils.
His hands started to becoming tighter against my body and his face slowly started to deform, the sky started to become dark and everything around us started to deteriorated.

"Haley wake up." someone whispered in my ear. "Wake up." They whispered again. "Wake up!" They yelled this time I felt as everything disappeared and my upper body bolted up in fear, I looked around and saw I was back in Mathew's house, was it all a nightmare?
I looked around and saw Alexis staring right at me her eyes were full of worry and wonder.

I pulled her into a hug and kept her in my arms, she wrapped her arms around me and gently slid my hair in between her fingers.
"Why are you scared Haley?" She muttered into my ear her voice was gentle and genuine.

"I- I don't know..." I whispered back to her hugging her tighter fearing to loose her incase this was all a dream I felt I was close to my death, I didn't want too, but I also felt that Alexis might die too, I feared that more.

"I don't want to loose you Alex, not right now, not ever.." I said pulling away a bit to look into her eyes, she was the only thing keeping me sane.

"Haley, I don't want to loose you either, I.. I love you." Alexis said her eyes were a soft brown, they were gorgeous and made me feel some type of way when I looked Into them, they were intoxicating to me.
But her words were what made my stomach fill up with butterflies, she loved me? Was this all a dream? Like when Bill said he loved me?

"What do you mean you love me..?" I asked my voice was calm and soft.
"I have feelings for you, I love you more than a friend of a best friend, I love like... a crush or a lover, maybe both." She whispered her hands holding my shoulders, I no longer resisted and cupped her face into my hands before pulling her into a kiss her whiskey flavored lips made me want more, she was perfect, enough for me.

I never knew I would like a girl, I thought I was only into guys but Alexis had something in her that made me fall in love.

Our bodies smashed against each other as we kissed craving to feel each other closely, her hands guided themselves to my waist and she pulled me closer not breaking the kiss, it slowly started to become more intense as her tongue entered my mouth our tongues intertwining against each other.
She was hungry for me and I had now realized I was hungry for her.

She slowly pushed me against the floor gently before getting on top of me, her body leaned onto mine and she gently grabbed my wrists whilst still kissing me pinning me onto the wooden floor.


Haley x Alexis cannon?

Jk maybe not but if y'all want y'all can decide :3

But also I'm not going to check for mistakes til tomorrow js hope y'all enjoy <3

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