Wheel Advice from Baba

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"Where we land is where we stay. Have fun or get over it. Baba was here."
"Moon. Matrix. Rematch?"

Hell realm. saber death.  (A wicked jezebel woman, can you believe it? I warned him).

But alas he was back— "Need a ride?"

Blind as a bat because we're just the ass of a big God bigger than us

Enki is the scooper in our fish tank
Enki is creating and destroying
delivering and relocating
He's whittling in a rocking chair
He's laying in bed reading a book, he's wearing a hat like Eboneezer Scrouge
He's patient as we wrestle our pride

The irony that Baba knew before I— it's already done.
Wherever you land,
I'm following closely behind. You carried me on your back through the Himalayas
I saved a thought for you during the Nord Claustrom
you waited for me as I snaked through the desert
laughing at the dry spell
(because you knew it would end and that I could handle it).

Shiva is about balancing all six realms
You came in like a comet, the playwright on (H)earth
7 Vedas
Saved the best one for last

Baba said one last thing before I knew it was true: "meet me in Montauk"

Enki Let's us Travel Together Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ