The day of the virus

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This morning felt weird unreal like something was wrong Ryan felt scared and weird there were no usual cars or noise. He looked out his window and saw people or so he thought he watched them they were slowly walking around. However, he has seen a little boy run out and saw them tear and rip him apart he froze in fear and shock he quickly shut the curtains.

quickly after snapping out of it stood up kept the curtains shut and moved his couch to block the door he went to the kitchen and grabbed the sharpest knives he kept one on him and the other around the house in case they ever got in he had four in knives now and food that could last him at least 3weeks he checked his garage and made that a workshop for his weapons

he had decided to do this so he could make better weapons he found an old axe in some strong boxes and found a machete and baseball bat. he remembered some old zombie movies and grabbed a machete he made the handle have more grip so that when he was fighting it wouldn't fall

he sighed in relief and looked out the window he use a rock and smashed a window down the road of a car activating the alarm he quickly checked his neighbour's house he found a crossbow and more food and water.

he looked out the window the alarm had stopped he quickly jumped over the fence and got into his house.

he was happy to be alive and have food and water but he knew sooner or later the tap water would run out and he would be doomed so he thought to himself.

and decided to keep track of days so he could organise when to get food and water and when not to risk it.

he laid back in bed and tried to sleep however the screams and loud sounds and zombies growling and stuff made him get no sleep so instead he watched the window and saw that there was a small group surrounding him.

He thought should he let them in however he realised they might be dangerous thieves.

Ashe watched he finally decided to go downstairs and watch he could see it close up. So he watched more as the group got surrounded.

And had broken the formation scattering them around the place Ryan said to himself well that another group is dead he said disappointed.

He heard a young boy run he seen the young boy had survived he was fast and killing zombies left and right and running close to the house Ryan acted and quickly pulled the garage door open and shouted hurry.

the boy ran faster however two of his friend's zombies since just turned could run and they were right behind him

Ryan thought I might have to shut the door if I don't wanna die however he realised having two members meant more food and water even weapons.

Ryan shouted I am shutting the garage hurry Ryan hit the button the door slowly shut the boy was far away. at the last second the boy slides under the door just making it.

the boy said wtf Man U watched us get eaten. Or at least most of us hell dude Ryan said well your group weren't smart who breaks formation in the middle of a horde.

Ryan spoke and said my name is Ryan what about u kid the boy replied I am not a kid I am 16 and my name is Mason what's it to u pacifist

Ryan laughed and smirked kid I ain't a pacifist I believe in the strong survive the weak run or die and the smart thrive and live.

Ryan said I am smart your strong so why not survive and thrive, Mason, smirked sure I will help your sorry ass for an older guy your pathetic to scared to face one normal Z.

Ryan said normal Z? Confused by this Mason said yeah there are normal and sprinters also carriers and callers
Ryan asked confused what does each due

Mason laughed you so dumb man sprinters sprint duh carriers hold weapons or anything they can callers scream or make a sound to alert others of humans there a pain.

trust me callers can ruin everything especially savaging. Runners aren't too bad as long as you fats like me u can outrun them.

Ryan smirked so I just have to be smart and physically fit then mason chuckled u? Physically fit don't make me laugh geez u look like a pale toothpick Jesus u wouldn't last a second out there it's better u just die this world isn't meant for u

Ryan said u can't say that if I left u you surely would've been turned and left to die I saved u and I can easily outrun and outsmart walking corpses u and those others u were with are just brain-dead idiots and a state of supplies.

Masons said whatever and looked around foods good and water u have a tap still Huh!

Ryan just shut up dead outside your too noisy yes I have tap I have been filling up bottles before it runs out and I also have 13 cans of soup and like 20 more cans also a few knifes an axe also a crossbow or two with like 20 bolts each.

Mason looked at me surprised u have had all this ready maybe you are not so useless after all u have a good eye for resources clearly with u and me we could survive 

the front door handle rattled a lot both sen it was a zombie Ryan went to kill it however Mason grabbed him and said no that's a caller don't be quiet and keep low they will check windows.

Both crouched down below the window as the zombie looked around both quickly made a break for it as it looked away they got upstairs and we were safe. Mason had tears in his eyes and said thank you for saving me and making sure we stay alive. Ryan said, "Don't worry we got this. The end may have already begun but together, we can make it. ".

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