The Date

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-This shot is inspired by my own GMV of Noctifa, Señorita, which is already posted on my YouTube channel.

-It's been a long time since I've written so I'm pretty rusty, sorry about that.

-English is not my mother tongue. I had to translate the text online and I will gradually go over it to correct any grammatical or syntactical errors that may have been generated. My apologies for all those mistakes.

-With nothing more to say, I hope you like this loooong shot.

The Date

They didn't know who or what kind of person the other was. They didn't even tell each other their names. It was better that way.

She referred to him as the "stranger" and he called her "beautiful".

From the beginning, they both knew that no matter what happened, it would stay in one night, in one city. On a hot July day in Midgar.

They were both okay with that.

Or so... they thought at first.

Noctis had left Insomnia, needing a break from his duties as prince. The news that he would be forced to marry Princess Lunafreya had left him fractured. He held the princess of Tenebrae in high regard. After all, he had met her when he was only eight years old. He had fond memories of her and was sorry that she had been captured by the Empire for so long. But whatever he felt for her was nowhere near love. Not at all. He had not seen her for twelve long years and, even if he maintained a thin line of communication with her, it was impossible for him to feel anything more than some sympathy for her. She was a lost distant friend. Nothing more. And having to marry her was the last thing Noctis would have wanted. That was why he had left the capital of Lucis without telling anyone. Not even his best friends. Not even his father. He needed time for himself, away from everything and everyone.

Tifa, on the other hand, was going through a very bad time. She had been left alone again. Or rather, he had left her alone again. That blond-haired boy with beautiful, but mako-tainted, blue eyes had left again without her. Telling her only that he would be back in a few weeks. Just like that. As if she were nothing more than a piece of furniture that could be left at the bar.

He had hurt her. A lot. But... She was getting used to it. As bad as it sounded, she couldn't stop thinking about Cloud. He was her childhood friend and... Her first love. She couldn't get over him. She couldnt even if she tried. So there she was, alone and languid, running the rag over the gleaming wooden bar for the umpteenth time. Trying to focus on the soft melody coming from the radio instead of the voices screaming in her head.

Fortunately, Noctis and Tifa found what they needed right then and there. In that very spot.
He walked into the bar, thirsty from the long drive and she smiled at him like the professional she was, ignoring the pain that was still lingering on her heart.

The first thing Noctis drank, however, was Tifa's sweet and delicate beauty.
Tifa's first real smile in several days was directed at Noctis when she realized how handsome he was.

—Good morning, what can I get you, sir? —She asked him in a light voice as he sat on the other side of the bar without removing a half smile from his lips.

Noctis didn't usually notice girls. Not because he didn't like them but because first, he was afraid that they didn't want him but his money/social position and second, because he was royalty and was expected to marry a princess. He was not to set his sights on commoners. It could never be.
But that girl was too beautiful. Her beautiful ruby red eyes attracted Noctis' sapphire blue ones like a magnet. Literally. He couldn't take his eyes off those huge, expressive irises.

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