Entry 23 ~ princess's tears

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Dear dairy....

Today's dream was a sad one, I had a dream where there was a 'princess event' In my school, it was really fun at first, we were told fairy tales, watched Disney movies, and we were about to have a party! But then, I was bullied by a few girls, which made me lash out, and go to another class, I was crying, what if I'll never be a princess who is loved? I cried, and I prayed, for what seemed like hours, until it was home time, and I mixed up what bussed number I was! (Which really dissed the bus driver....) and it turns out, my achual bus left, so I had to stay the the teacher running the event, as she comforts me


And that's. All for now!

See you later!

The Dream Jornal Of Alicia: REBORNΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα