❀ A Change Of Heart ❀

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Dr. Mehra was rendered completely speechless, upon learning the entire truth which he had no idea of. He slowly turned towards Rojun and Naveen. Arjun still stood as if nothing had happened, maintaining his calm demeanour, while Roja looked at her beloved with eyes full of pride...

Mrs Mehra's voice pierced through the pin drop silence in the room.

"What are you going to do now, Dr. Mehra?"

That question hit Dr. Mehra hard.

He collapsed on the sofa silently with his hands on his head. Rojun felt bad to see him like that. However, Mrs. Mehra told -

"Let him feel for his actions. He deserves to."

Just then Dr. Mehra's car pulled up and little 5 year old Aryan who had gone for his drawing class had returned. As the driver parked the car, Aryan ran home and hugged his mom which was his daily ritual

"Ma, I'm back!"
He told cutely while Mrs. Mehra planted a butterfly kiss on his forehead lovingly. Rojun smiled at each other seeing the sweet bond between the mom and the son.

Subsequently he went and sat next to his downcast dad and wrapped his small arms around Dr. Mehra's shoulder.

"Dadaaaa..." (Father....!)
He called out affectionately and kissed his dad on the cheek. Dr. Mehra cracked a small smile.

Just then he noticed the guests at his house.
The small boy immediately seemed to recognise Arjun.

He immediately went and hugged Arjun tightly.

"Arjun Uncle!" 😍

He exclaimed happily.

Arjun melted as he felt Aryan's tiny arms around his waist.
He lifted him up and held Aryan in his arms.

Dr. Mehra was stunned to see Aryan bonding effortlessly with Arjun and even Roja. The little boy seemed to know Arjun really well.

After a few mins Mrs Mehra sent Aryan to shower and change. As obedient as he was, he immediately obeyed his mom and went to his room. Before he did he waved hands to Rojun and soon disappeared into his room

Watching Aryan leave, Mrs. Mehra smiled at him. She turned towards her hubby and affirmed

"Today, if you have a son who lovingly calls you dada each time he comes from outside, then it's only because of this Dr. Arjun standing here. Now tell me Gautham, should you do this grave injustice to him?"

Dr. Mehra had absolutely no answer to Mrs. Mehra's piercing questions.

"You must be wondering, how our boy knows Arjun, considering that he was just a newborn when Arjun operated him.

Yes, I told him. When our boy was a little grown to understand basic things, I told him that he was born with a life threatening heart defect at birth and that a doctor named Arjun was the one who saved his life and our hopes. I showed him Arjun's pic as well so that he knows who his saviour is. I did this so that he doesn't develop any baseless hatred for Arjun in future, because of you."