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' feel so lost '

EVAGLINE RAN DOWN THE STAIRS, stopping in the living room where the rest of the kids were. They were all by the window watching what was happening outside. All the adults were outside.

"What's happening?" Eva heard Ginny ask. "I don't know." Harry mumbled.

Harry seemed more mad than Eva. "Eva." Fred said, turning around. "The adults told us to stay in here, me and George are in charge."

Eva didn't care. She pushed past through Fred, opening the door and ran.

"EVA!" Ginny yelled.

"MUM!" "EVA NO!" Her dad grabbed her by the waist, holding her back.

"There she is." Bellatrix shouted. Eva looked around, Death Eaters were flying around the Burrow, surrounding.

Were they waiting for something? Or someone? Was Eva the someone?

"What do you want Bellatrix?" Alex Henderson shouted, keeping a hold of his daughter.

Evagline looked towards Bellatrix, her mum on her knees and Bellatrix's wand up against Ellen's neck. Eva gulped.

Eva let go of her dads grip, as she stood there.

"I don't want anything Alex I just want your daughter to know that this is what happens.." Bellatrix trailed off towards the ending, dragging her wand from Ellen's neck to her head, standing behind her now, pulling her hair.

"When you deny." Bellatrix finished, raising her wand. "WAIT! BELLATRIX YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO THIS!" Remus shouted. Tonks had her wand ready.

Molly gasped, covering her mouth. "Just bring us Ellen and we'll figure something out." Arthur budged in. Bellatrix looked like she was thinking about it, until she started laughing.

"Bellatrix, hand me my wife back." Alex said. Bellatrix shook her head, "Sorry can't. Dark Lord orders." She raised her wand again, "Any last words Ellen?"

"Dad do something!" Eva yelled, her eyes started to water, her body started to shake. "BELLATRIX DON'T." Alex yelled.

"ANY LAST WORDS TO SAY TO YOUR FAMILY!" Bellatrix roared, Ellen started to have tears roll down her cheek.

"Mum.." Eva said. Ellen lifted her head slowly, making eye contact with her daughter.

Eva tilted her head. "I'm sorry Eva.." Her mum said. Eva looked at her dad as he kept yelling at Bellatrix to let her go.

Eva looked back at her mum, Bellatrix laughing hysterically.

Everything happened so fast. Eva couldn't process what had happened next.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" Bellatrix shouted, the spell hitting straight to Ellen's head.

"NO!" Eva screamed, running towards her but Alex had grabbed her once again. "NO!" Eva continued.

Harry pushed past the adults, running after Bellatrix into the field. The adults yelled after Harry, as Ginny followed him.

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