my silver lining

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A world is what others see
But to her ,
he was her world to feel free
free from the grieving sadness of her grim life
escapism is what he perfectly defined

everything he taught her , eventually she rose like a dove
with him she was the happiest elated soul in love
despite being emotionally drained by people above

but ,

One day ,
she lost
negative thoughts overpowered her brains like cold frost
she burst into rage
said cuss words ,
told we can never be on same page
next moment she realised ,
how it felt being trapped in a cage 

cage of words , that she herself built
suffocating, immersing in the dark ocean of guilt

found herself shattered in corner of room
she herself blew air on her boon , awakening terrifying doom

tears streamed down her pale face
emptiness is all , she embraced
Hugged her knees to her chest
blamed herself , suicidal thoughts yelled in silence within the mind at rest

Tried wiping the heavily salted tears off
But they only made her cry harder , letting out sobs
her soul walked down the stairs , closing the knob

Her eyes screamed violence
but no to avail , she herself claimed death sentence
cause hope seemed fading
he was her only silver lining


voiceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora