Gloomy. (14)

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**Faith pov**
+August 5th 2009+
"So y'all fucked?!" Haley shrieked while still applying the finishes touches to my makeup. "Shh Haley be quiet he'll hear..!" I whispered screamed embarrassment washing over me but not because of what we did. I hadn't regretted a second of it. I was embarrassed she yelled it as if she wanted the whole house to hear.

**Tom Pov**
Georg and Gustav laughed with each other in the corner of the living room while I sat quietly on the couch watching tv in my thoughts.

Yesterday, last night, everything that happened between me and Faith was burned into my mind, the sounds, the feeling, the love. Everything and I loved that. Feeling as our body collided against each other while the heat rose making the room hot, the sounds we had both let out from pleasure was something I couldn't explain.
I had fucked many girls before and none of them had made me feel the amount of pleasure and love as Faith made me feel. Probably because the other girls never loved me.

"Tom." A raspy cold low voice spoke snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see Bill towering over me while I sat on the couch. "Yeah.?" I asked, he had been less violent to everyone, he had kept his promise and I was happy we could at least solve that but I wish we could solve the problems between each other but I knew there was to much problems and many of them were unsolvable.

"Come." He spoke before turning around his dreads flying in the air as it tried to follow his movements. He got up and walked up his boots tapping on the wooden floor. I sighed and got up before following right behind him Georg and Gustav stopped talking eyeing my every move as I hurried to follow behind Bill.

We soon entered his office the cold burning air slammed itself against my face. The tapping of his shoes stopped as he turned around to face me.

"Tom.." he spoke his harsh voice sounding a bit demanding, that demanding tone always triggered me though this time it didn't. "Hm..?" I let out a bit confused. "I..." he paused taking a heavy breathe as he tried to calm himself down. The room was quiet and you could hear the girls from their room giggle which was off considering they were way down the corridor, three rooms away from Bill's office.

Suddenly there was a loud bang at the door making Bill bolt his head towards that direction.
"Stay here for your safety, just please." He spoke before gently pushing me away and walking out the room his heavy loud steps filled my ears making me wonder what had happened.

It was quiet for a while before I heard shouting, one of them being Bill and the other being someone I had forgotten about.
Suddenly there was a loud glass break and two female voices shrieked in fear before they stopped making me realize it was Haley and Faith, I ran out the room and dashed down the corridor my braids flying behind as I slammed my body against the door making it fall down onto the floor with a loud thud.
There was no one there, the bed was messy and makeup and clothes were scattered everywhere as if it was all thrown around. The glass from the window was laid around the room with hints of blood left behind. My heart stopped. Faith, Haley, they were gone. They were taken by a monster, a monster who knew nothing about being a man, a monster who was way worse then Bill.

"Tom, Georg, Gustav!" Bill's loud voice growled his voice bouncing off the walls. as I was about to leave a bright object reflected the sun off of it making it look golden. I walked over to it and bent down picking it up before inspecting it. A long necklace with a heart, I looked at it a bit more before realizing you could open the heart and as I did it revealed a picture of an unknown woman and Faith. I knew this would be the only item that she had with her since way before.

"Tom!" Bill's loud voice growled again making me look back. I stuffed the necklace in my pocket before running out the room and towards Bill.
I wanted Faith back and I was going to get her back.


I drove down the road the cold air stinging my face as I followed behind Bill ignoring all the cars that had gotten out the way. The usual adrenaline when I drove wasn't there and was only replaced by fear, fear that I might loose someone I had just gotten by someone so monstrous and so evil and cruel.

My braids gently flowed in the air and my hands were around the wheel holding it with a tight tight grip causing my knuckles to go white but I wasn't going to let go otherwise all my anger and sadness would come out of me though tears were already trying to escape my eyes and make me just crash this car to let out the anger I endured.

I saw the large familiar building as we all slowed down and driving a bit far always so we wouldn't get noticed.

**Faith Pov**
My head cried in pain as my eyes fluttered open someone weeping beside me, a sound I recognized as I always heard it when they felt lost.
"Haley?" My voice groggy as if I had just woken up but I knew I hadn't fallen asleep. It couldn't be, it was daytime when I last remembered anything.

"Shh my love He'll hear you and I don't want him to, not yet.." another female voice whispered making me turn around to see Haley wrapped in a strangers arm as she comforted her. The strangers face looked gloomy, as if she never felt happiness. A Tim burton movie was how I would describe her looks. Her huge grey eyes with dark circles underneath making her look sad.

I looked around the room such a cold empty gray room it was but the atmosphere was filled of fear and danger. A feeling I remembered but couldn't understand why.

Suddenly a loud knock was heard from the other side of the door making all of us including me jump up startled from the sudden sound.

"Alexis stop trying to cover the girls and take them to him otherwise he'll kill you and you know he won't hesitate." A male voice spoke.
"Steven please stop trying to scare the poor girls they seem rather sensitive and I don't want to make them be afraid." Alexis soft voice answered.

"Just please Alexis." He spoke once more opening the door revealing how he looked. A tall figure revealed itself making him seem like the devil itself though he somehow still looked nice.

"Mathew!" A loud voice shouted down the corridor a angry loud voice I recognized a little to well.


I'll look for mistake later and also sorry it's short😭

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