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Today I came across a miracle. You know by the end of this story, that Alllah is more merciful, and he know more than we ever know. 

I was driving bc from office to the house. My day went well, the work I set to do on the day was accomplished.

Somehow, I realise today with certainy that everything I went through before made my stonger person to deal with problem that I am dealing today. For that, alhamdulilah.

While driving, a thought cross my mind, simple 5 words, Kena bagi sedekah kt kak mal. I check my bank account while driving, park my car in the house.

Transfer the money to my little sister cousin, because transfering directly to my older cousin sister might not look too good. She might feel ashamed/ shy or whatever that might bring her unconfortable, i dont want that.

Then I transfered, then my little cousin sister transfered, then she transfered again to her sister.


I received a call from Kak Mal, i didnt answer. Perhaps shy of hearing her saying thanks. I just wanted to do my part, really not hoping for her acknowledgement.

She called again

My mind was telling me, Okay, i must pick up now.

"Ya Kak mal", she half crying, "thank you so much cik".

"Tak pa kak mal. Kak mal amik buat belanja nah".

"Cik, tepat pada masa cik bagi kak mal, di saat kak mal tengah pikir kat mana nak cari duit ni, tiba tiba masuk duit ni".

I said, "sebenarnya it was a random thoughts that pass through my head, and cik acted on it immediately. Only now I know its not random, its God message pass through me to be your rezeki, and my amalan".

See, how God works in wonders.

Miracles likes this, is what I cherish.

I hope one day when I stand in front of you ya Allah, I am able to answer you well on all my deeds, and hopefully I was beneficial to my family, my community and society.

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